I Did Not Scam Ksmudger

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From the looks of this it just looks like Ksm has messed up with 1 not counting the zeros in the end! And for say back to you yeah 1.25mil is good
Why don't you just pay him back?
Because it wasn't my fault, and I have a sign on my island that say "NO REFUNDS." Going to what GhostlyOutcast says, why should I pay for his mistake?
Considering the fact that scamming is allowed, the funny part about this thread is that you tagged cloakfox xD
I tag Cloakfox in all my threads for the fun of it, and the thing is, it wasn't even a scam.
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Because it wasn't my fault, and I have a sign on my island that say "NO REFUNDS."
1st of all, it isn't that hard to pay someone back. You said it was an accident so why not fix your mistake? I have a feeling that you really wanted to keep that money. 12million is a lot Baseball. This guy spent years making this so the least you could do is give it back. Faith in humanity :)
He wanted to buy a Cloakfox Head, I said 1.25 million, that is where I messed up. I meant to say 12.5 million.

The rest of what you wrote is just an excuse to why you decided to leave the game once the purchase was made.

You did scam him, You gave him incorrect price for the head
It was ksmudger's fault for Trusting you.
Now, scamming is allowed on the server and you've didn't really do anything wrong since scamming is allowed but put yourself in Ksmudger's shoes. He's actually worked so hard spending hours after hours grinding the money he had, It would be nice to atleast pay him back half of it or take your item back from him and pay him the 12.5 million and just resolve the matter.

Because it wasn't my fault, and I have a sign on my island that say "NO REFUNDS." Going to what GhostlyOutcast says, why should I pay for his mistake?

Because it was your Mistake, you messed up and gave him the incorrect price, As someone who has dyslexia and has problem with numbers even i wouldn't be able to know the difference between 1.25million and 12.5 million written on a chest shop.

Do what you believe is right but i hope you take the smart approach.
Ksm already quit and for all we know Baseball did this for attention, why would he pay him back? he didn't do this to anyone else but Ksm so it's pretty clear what's going on and if he did make a mistake why didn't he just pay him back first and never of made this thread.
Is there really a point in this thread? like...scamming is allowed...don't cry over it if you are to stupid to fall for a scam...
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Ksm never looked at the sign good enough there for people should not be hating on you for his own mistake.
it wasn't my mistake you cheap **** head, when a kid says "1.25 mil" and not "12.5 mil" that's not my ******* mistake.
So basically people are saying that I scammed Ksmudger, that is not true. They are saying that, because they do not know the whole story.

Story: So I was trying to sell my heads that I didn't want anymore. He wanted to buy a Cloakfox Head, I said 1.25 million, that is where I messed up. I meant to say 12.5 million, but I was getting ready for Easter, so I was in a rush, and I wasn't paying attention. I made a chest for him to buy it out of. He bought it, I had to do the dishes because of the party I was having for Easter. So my mom turned off my computer till I did the dishes. I got back on and he was mad at me. I said "What's Wrong." He said "You Scammed Me." I Said "I don't know what you are talking about. He said "You said 1.25 million!" I said "The chest clearly said 12.5 million, I did say 1.25 but I meant 12.5." *He Logged Off

Now his close friends think I scammed him when I didn't at all. Say what you want in the comments, but I don't really care:p

Proof: http://imgur.com/H2cY3h1

Ps: I DO NOT HAVE ANY HEADS TO REDUE THIS CHEST SIGN. If you want to come check it out to see if it is legit /is warp Baseball486, it will always be there:)
Yeah you did scam me, you're just making up a bunch of **** stories to avoid giving me my money back and taking the name as a scammer...

And for all the kids saying "don't cry about it" I haven't "cried" at all, I haven't called him any **** (apart from a scammer) or anything I've just left for now, so yeah funny kid.
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1st of all, it isn't that hard to pay someone back. You said it was an accident so why not fix your mistake? I have a feeling that you really wanted to keep that money. 12million is a lot Baseball. This guy spent years making this so the least you could do is give it back. Faith in humanity :)
You are wrong about that he really trade 1 mil from factions to 1 mil on skyblock in the Fall
Is there really a point in this thread? like...scamming is allowed...don't cry over it if you are to stupid to fall for a scam...
He wasn't even the one who got scammed xD
[doublepost=1459604962,1459604829][/doublepost]The thing about this thread is people keep saying
Oh, scamming is allowed.
But that's not the point @Baseball486 (Chris) is trying to make. He is just saying if you have heard by ksmudger that he scams, don't believe him because he didn't. He just doesn't want a bad reputation. So quit bashing him.
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He wasn't even the one who got scammed xD
[doublepost=1459604962,1459604829][/doublepost]The thing about this thread is people keep saying
Oh, scamming is allowed.
But that's not the point @Baseball486 (Chris) is trying to make. He is just saying if you have heard by ksmudger that he scams, don't believe him because he didn't. He just doesn't want a bad reputation. So quit bashing him.
Baseball said to me, "1.25 mil for the head" and he made it pretty clear about 3 times and never said it was a mistake, yes I messed up by trusting him with the price, but it most certainly was NOT my fault and I do consider it a scam and pretty much everybody else does too. I asked him nicely to have my money, because I made a mistake and offered to give the head back. But as you can tell that's a no.
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