How you can support playernames like "Andrewtate"

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New Member
Jan 31, 2023
just asking its a horrible person
and he distributes his opinion on the server and andrew tat's opinion is misogynist and homophobic
Stop crying

if the server wants to support such people okay

I'm just here to ask how that can be
ur replay just say evrything "dont cry"

the hole server rostet me for that im hating this dood and if the server stuff do also...
im gone... take my money
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just asking its a horrible person
and he distributes his opinion on the server and andrew tat's opinion is misogynist and homophobic
I have this name for like 1 - 2 months and staff doesn't even care about it you're just angry at me that im talking good about him and not supporting your fking decisions and stop calling
me " Misogynistic and homophobic" as i mentioned on the server /ignore still exists
i try just get a better minecraft expariens i like your server i donate atleast in 1 day....
but this guy nah
its a totaly nogo ... and i dont understand that server stuff do nothing. ?
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I have this name for like 1 - 2 months and staff doesn't even care about it you're just angry at me that im talking good about him and not supporting your fking decisions and stop calling
me " Misogynistic and homophobic" as i mentioned on the server /ignore still exists
im not even angry at you i just dont understand that person on the server like you tat's opinion is misogynist and homophobic
and u act like that asking me if im man or woman and other stuff promoting andrew tates mental dirt ..
its dangerus for individals like, little kids playing minecraft.
im not even angry at you i just dont understand that person on the server like you tat's opinion is misogynist and homophobic
and u act like that asking me if im man or woman and other stuff promoting andrew tates mental dirt ..
its dangerus for individals like, little kids playing minecraft.
You literally asked me my age and where do i live

if the server wants to support such people okay

I'm just here to ask how that can be
ur replay just say evrything "dont cry"

the hole server rostet me for that im hating this dood and if the server stuff do also...
im gone... take my money
What if i say that a helper has TopG as title, would you stop crying?
im not even angry at you i just dont understand that person on the server like you tat's opinion is misogynist and homophobic
and u act like that asking me if im man or woman and other stuff promoting andrew tates mental dirt ..
its dangerus for individals like, little kids playing minecraft.
First of all you asked "my age and where do i live" then you were arguing with me for having that name (AndrewTate) then i asked you are you a boy or a girl bcs i wouldn't argue with a girl about this and you didn't tell me your age or your gender so you said that "i dont understand that person on this server like you tat's opinion is misogynist and homophobic and other stuff promoting andrew tates mental dirt" and with this means that when i ask you your age and your gender is misogynist and homophobic and im promoting someone else mental dirt this make 0 sense my G
andrew tate is not a good person and your friend can stop supporting you too y'all called me ***** i was about to upload this but it's too stupid for me. I'm waiting for a team member who will say something about it. I'm new to the server and some of what's going on there doesn't work at all and you're a problem with it.

when we talked there was a helper and a mod present
what kind of justice is that

but that didn't interest them

I don't want any bans. I want to tell you that it's not okay to spread this **** from andrew to maybe 9 year olds
that's all

and if the server team doesn't appreciate that then why is it there

I would like at least one statement from server stuff

[translate with google im sorry]
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andrew tate is not a good person and your friend can stop supporting you too y'all called me hitler i was about to upload this but it's too stupid for me. I'm waiting for a team member who will say something about it. I'm new to the server and some of what's going on there doesn't work at all and you're a problem with it.

when we talked there was a helper and a mod present
what kind of justice is that

but that didn't interest them

I don't want any bans. I want to tell you that it's not okay to spread this **** from andrew to maybe 9 year olds
that's all

and if the server team doesn't appreciate that then why is it there

I would like at least one statement from server stuff

[translate with google im sorry]
Aint nobody called you "h" i literally have a screenshot of you saying "when this server allowed this i can named myself a.h" (which im not gonna say the name)" and now let staff make their decisions you're just making it worse
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