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New Member
Dec 29, 2016
Hello Foxcraft!

I have been playing Foxcraft for a while now and decided I would like to become a helper.

I love the server and all the sections,
Welcome to Foxcraft! Helper applications are not available currently. They will probably be out in 3 or 4 months and you have to use a format for it. The higher staff members will create a thread when they are open.
Hi Vlastyz!

Thanks it's good to know that I have someone to ask questions to.
Welcome! We estimate that the Helper applications will be out in January or February. So now is your chance to start compiling your application.
It's nice to see someone interested in being a helper. Now _CrazyOstrich_, keep in mind that they only take a handful of helpers. And every year, people's Foxcraft experiences are destroyed because they don't get helper and choose to quit. I'm here to tell you that's not the way to go. If your application is denied, that should make you want to work harder and want helper more. Show the staff you can be a helper even without having the helper tag. This includes helping people out in game and on the forums.
I just wanted to tell you this because I hate to see people quit just because they didn't get helper.
And welcome to the Foxcraft forums :)
Welcome to the forums if not Foxcraft, be active on forums and server act mature etc and you'll for sure get accepted.
Welcome to Foxcraft forums :) Make sure to be active and etc if you wanna be a helper and make sure your application is good :P
Thanks everyone for the advice and tips!

Although there is one bug that is bothering me and wondering if anyone can help.

Everytime I go to log into creative it sends me back to hub and says "The server you were previously on went down, you were connected to fallback server"

Why is this. I haven't been able to log into creative
Thanks everyone for the advice and tips!

Although there is one bug that is bothering me and wondering if anyone can help.

Everytime I go to log into creative it sends me back to hub and says "The server you were previously on went down, you were connected to fallback server"

Why is this. I haven't been able to log into creative
Try making a bug report. I believe the admins have a command they can use to fix your error.
Ok will do, although still trying to work out where everything is xD
Try to get known on the server by people and that will make you more popular. None of us have really seen you on the server so wait a while (in my opinion 3-5 months) before you actually apply. Welcome to the kcikcidfkci network I hope you enjoy your staaAaAAAayy wiht uws here
Try to get known on the server by people and that will make you more popular. None of us have really seen you on the server so wait a while (in my opinion 3-5 months) before you actually apply. Welcome to the kcikcidfkci network I hope you enjoy your staaAaAAAayy wiht uws here

I try to.

I am generally on creative but theres a bug and I cant join. IDK WHY
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