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New Member
Aug 22, 2016
Eastern USA
I'm kind of new here. I've been on the server for a little while and am still poking around exploring what's available and what I like best.
Its kind of late when I'm writing this so there isn't going to be a lot. Just a little hi and stuff.
If you are looking for me on the server, I'm usually on nights and the most recent area i'm working in is Factions. I have been given the leadership of the faction FrostY so if you want to say hi or what ever, just speak up in chat and i might see it.:)
I'm kind of new here. I've been on the server for a little while and am still poking around exploring what's available and what I like best.
Its kind of late when I'm writing this so there isn't going to be a lot. Just a little hi and stuff.
If you are looking for me on the server, I'm usually on nights and the most recent area i'm working in is Factions. I have been given the leadership of the faction FrostY so if you want to say hi or what ever, just speak up in chat and i might see it.:)
Welcome to the forums! :D
Welcome to the forums! But do you play on cove or on Magma.
Nice to see you, I love factions! Cya around, dude!
Wait do you play factions?!?! On wich one and what is your IGN
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