My name is João and I'm a skywars player(plz try this minegame,it is really good) 
Sorry for my bed I'm only 13 XD.Ok I'm good for my age.

Sorry for my bed I'm only 13 XD.Ok I'm good for my age.
Lol... Nice Google translate!Oi! Bem-vindo ao fórum, falo um pouco espanol, então espero que meu português não seja ruim!
u srsly think i google translated that?Lol... Nice Google translate!
At least you tried...
Idiota =D
Yeah, because you did, you can't get the ' on the tops of the letters like è or à,u srsly think i google translated that?
its called special characters. You can type with them with a computer, for me I just hold down the letter and it shows all the accents i can use.Yeah, because you did, you can't get the ' on the tops of the letters like è or à,
With a normal keyboard.. and just because you studied Spanish doesn't mean you get pin pointed every word exact on point, Spanish and Portuguese are nothing alike.
R u on a ipad or iphone?its called special characters. You can type with them with a computer, for me I just hold down the letter and it shows all the accents i can use.
Now explain how every word was on point.its called special characters. You can type with them with a computer, for me I just hold down the letter and it shows all the accents i can use.