Helpers with no perms.

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Mar 7, 2016
So recently people have been trash talking helpers, taunting etc and helpers have no perms to do anything against spammers etc, (Example): "Player": "DANSORS MUTE MEEE" or something along those lines and it's extremely annoying, Also I should note "Fake messages". "-> me] Hi. this spams social spy because people reply with /r And finally "Fake Warping" "Warped To Your Island" this causes so much spam due to copy cats.
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Yeah these issues are really annoying. Especially when some players say [example]: "ALAIN, GIVE ME A CAPS WARNING!" And spam it till the Staff member replies. I think that in itself should count as two warnings. One for disrespect and another for caps. And I don't mean to be assertive in my judgement but if you let one player disrespect the staff like this and have nothing done, it can only get worse.
Also the colour coated messages that copy fake warping and fake messaging is very worthy of warnings too. These issues really need to be debated about.
It really depends on who the staff is when muting for staff disrespect. Some helpers/staff don't get offended that easily by disrespect and some do so it really does vary.
The fake messages with colored chat can result in a warning/mute if done excessively (don't know if that's in /rules, but I think it previously used to and should be put in if not already).
Also, @Dansors will eventually get his perms xD It took a few hours or maybe even a day for all helpers to get their perms when first starting. In that wait he can screenshot the excessive disrespect and another staff can mute the players for him if he wants.

It sucks that people like @Dansors receive constant disrespect when he's the kindest, most genuine person on this server. Jealous people need to stop getting so hostille. Anyways, as Jesse has said, it'll take time for the Helpers to get their permissions, but while they haven't gotten them, they are able to screenshot the disrespect and get a Staff member that's online to mute them, or give them their needed punishment. :)
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