Help with land stealing

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May 19, 2023
Hi I've been a player since early May, and I've been working and grinding to build a massive city and kingdom.
My kingdom just recently shot up in members and players, which also means the enemies I make increased.

Inside my main base (we call it the Capital, cause there's plan for multiple towns and cities) we have split the town into two parts, the inner and outer city. The inner city is a giant walled off plot of land that we have spent quite a while building up (its not even done yet lol)
And is currently home of the entire kingdom (30 - almost 40 members). As such, since the inner city is designed to be the home of the entire kingdom, its very large (takes up 20+ claims) which also means it cannot be instantly claimed all at once. We have put a massive amount of time, effort and grind into this city and the kingdom, only for it to ruined by a few players.

When I first started I had to terraform an entire hill. And I started building the walls to stake out my claim. I knew it was going to need to be big so I made it cover a large area. About a month ago a kingdom called "Foxtopia" claimed some land within two chunks of my walls, that wasn't initially a problem until recently when we started working on the outer city.

About 3 days ago ever since we shot up in players, a random kingdom claimed directly inside my walls, the plot they claimed contains half of the front gate, and the entire front left tower, I'm convinced I can get them to remove it when they log on because I'm certain it wasn't intentionally bad, problem is; they haven't logged on since.

About two days ago, A player named Trekkerskieken started terrorizing and harrasing me and my players after I removed a nether portal he placed directly inside my base. He then went on to kill us over 20 times by placing lava on us, and he claimed a plot directly inside our base which we were literally about to buy too because it contained half of the town square. That was resolved yesterday after he deleted the claim and started griefing by spamming obsidian everywhere. He got temporarily banned and hasn't bothered us since (for the most part, he killed me and a few of my army while we were in the middle of an invasion, but that's fair game technically)

And finally just today, a player name Le_0n did the same thing. Right after the invasion we did, there was a player named Amr_the_adv who I had kicked from my kingdom after he had griefed it for the third time. I had given him a massive amount of lenience because he's friends with the second-in-command in my kingdom. But when I kicked him he got super upset understandably (dude just don't grief)
The player (Le_0n) (who already didn't like me for an argument we had a week ago) then got Amr_the_adv to teleport him inside my base, in the cobble mine. I didn't notice immediately because the cobble mine extends for hundreds of blocks underneath my town. But by the time I did notice it was too late.

Le_0n found a plot that wasn't yet claimed but still inside my town and claimed it. I went to check what was going on cause I noticed around 5 players grouped underground. And when I arrived he dug holes underneath us and poured lava on our heads, killing me and 3 of my players (conveniently Amr_the_adv survived)

He then went up to the surface and claimed two plots of the outer city, including one with a few houses and a farm. I grabbed some buckets so I could scoop any lava he tried to place, and when I got to him, he had pillaged half the farm and was placing Blocks everywhere.

Instead of trying to fight him I settled for trying to get some screenshots (I got a really good one). And I went to go report him.
When I got back, I found a 20 block High ugly wall in the middle of the town in the plot he claimed. I thought that was it but I found a pp statue that was places half way into one of the buildings (this one was inside my claim which means I have a traitor) and right next to Leon's ugly *** wall.

I thought THAT was all but one of my players showed me that some had griefed the city walls and half a house.

I THOUGHT THAT WAS ALL until I did some damage inspection and found 4 other chunks missing out of the city wall ( btw I spent 5 straight days building this wall, I had to smelt each and every cobblestone into bricks and stairs.)
Each chunk was weirdly in a perfect rectangle like some sort of cube tnt went off, as of writing this I have no idea who did it. But it'll take an hour or two to repair

Anyway. What I really want to know is if there's a way to remove the claims from my town, I have spent a lot of time on this and I don't know if I can take it all just going down the drain because some butthole decided to claim inside my town. Theoretically I could ask Leon to remove the claim when he gets unbanned next week, but that relies on kindness from someone who doesn't like me. The other two are from players who claimed and then logged off and havnt got back on.

None of these claims are important to anyone except me which means theoretically if an admin deleted them it wouldn't bother that kingdom at all (one of the claims was malicious and the other two have their own bases elsewhere, they won't lose anything important) and if those players are that desperate for house within my town I can offer them their own place.

I just want to fully claim my town so this will stop being a problem cause you don't know how much it sucks to work on something for a large amount of time and then have someone steal it and not be able to do anything about it. Also Leon's super ugly wall is just high enough that is visible throughout the entire town. Which ruins the aesthetics. And it's ugly....

I feel like there should be a rule against claiming directly next to someone without their permission (especially when it's stealing part of their base) if claims were even a little bit cheaper none if this would be a problem. But that's too much to ask....

What I'm asking is: if an admin could please remove the claims within my base. I dont really care if their nearby, but directly inside ruins it. (Especially the one with the ugly wall so I can remove it)
And if this server has rollback could a mod or someone please tell me who built the statue and destroyed chunks of my wall (I still don't understand why each one was exactly rectangle) so I can remove them or press charges for griefing.

I try to be an open and easy kingdom that accepts everyone but people like this ruin the game. Griefing, although really annoying, is repairable but claim stealing is not. I would really appreciate if someone could help.


Ps: I will include screenshots of the damages down below
First two are of half one of the houses destroyed and a massive chunk of the wall missing

Third fourth and fifth are of square chunks missing from my wall. Everything except a few towers were finishes so Everything else is damage.

I will be back with better screenshots and screenshots of the three different kingdoms all within my town

6th and 7th is the ugly wall from two different perspectives


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Hi, claiming land (which the other kingdoms did) is allowed. Its not smart to make a kingdom in unclaimed territory because then you have risk of this happening. There is nothing we can do against it, you can ask that other kingdom to unclaim those claimd and possibly you can offer them some money or items. I myself also have a base that I cannot expand because other kingdoms claimed right next to m, it is and always will be kingdoms. If you want to make a big base without these risks make sure all the land you need is claimed or go to the gamemode ''survival'' on our server. You can report players for griefing/trapping here.

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