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New Member
May 10, 2020
United States
Hi! I'm Minty, I found Foxcraft last year in December while looking for a server I would like. I've been here a couple months and definitely like it. I spend all my time on survival mode while playing Foxcraft and admire how they've built the server and website. I'm usually trying to help someone build or new comers with the commands. I just wanted to introduce myself and maybe make some friends. :D
Hi! I'm Minty, I found Foxcraft last year in December while looking for a server I would like. I've been here a couple months and definitely like it. I spend all my time on survival mode while playing Foxcraft and admire how they've built the server and website. I'm usually trying to help someone build or new comers with the commands. I just wanted to introduce myself and maybe make some friends. :D
Are you a fellow anime fan
Welcome welcome, I am not active on survival but I do hope to see you soon on skyblock if you're interested! else I will show my face from time to time surviving on the survival server.
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