Hello people of Factions

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Mar 7, 2016
North Korea
Ok so today we're going to start talking about Factions Cove. It'll be resetting in about 2 months. Although this is a long time, I feel like talking about what should be changed, etc. is important to do now so people such as staff/devs actually have time to work this stuff out.

I think that Foxcraft should add a new rule to the books. This rule should ban any type of regen. wall and any type/form of 45 walls. It should also put a limit on the number of walls that a base can have.
Foxcraft cannoning "works" but the problem is that the server does not have enough dedicated RAM to suppose massive regen busters or fusion cannons or open barrel cannons. The server ticks will mess up and blow up the cannon. This will ensure that any base is actually raid-able and this will also reduce the number of times bases are glitched.
The wall limit should be about 10 walls or so. That sounds reasonable to be honest. That means players can build 10 walls on their base at maximum, the types of walls that are legal are: staight/wrap walls, sand walls, filter walls, slab walls, etc.
If a player finds a base that has more than 10 walls or a type of regen, then a staff member should be informed and the walls that are illegal should be world edited out or even (in the case of repeat offenders) the faction disbanded.

  • Add crates. I made a suggestion about this here: https://www.mcfoxcraft.com/threads/new-factions-thing.7276/
  • Change crate key wins: -ADD MCMMO, SPAWNERS, AND OTHER STUFF. Also lower the price of crate keys on the webstore. I'm not going to spend $8 on a crate key that will probs give me $20,000 in game. Or even the lower keys.
  • Shrink the world border to 15k to increase the amount of raids.
  • Add death messages
  • Keep factions at 1.8
  • Keep custom enchants
Pretty much all I can think of at the moment I'll update this as the weeks go on. For now, comment what you think below of the wall ban/limit and tell me if you think even sand walls should be banned.
Exinfinty is right those regen walls are to op for faction once the are up you can't raid that base only with a inside/glitch and and plss just remove those custom enchants and mcmmo make it vanilla pvp like we had 2 years those days where lit
Exinfinty is right those regen walls are to op for faction once the are up you can't raid that base only with a inside/glitch and and plss just remove those custom enchants and mcmmo make it vanilla pvp like we had 2 years those days where lit
maybe keep some enchants. Like maybe just auto speed.
PVs are sexy no shrink

Custom enchants are poop

Wall limit coolio idea

Crates, y not

Death messages, shur bra
HAVE ONLY ONE FACTIONS SEVER and not two bc when you have 2 factions severs it sucks *** bc theirs only 10 people on at once and on the week ends theirs attest 30 kids playing factions suppose to one factions sever you can have 50-60 kidz playing at once and it ant like your losing money bc when you buy something off of buycraft you get it on both severs so....... LETS have one factions sever

PS - one good tip to have one factions sever factions magma like we all know had a duping glich that lead to problems and riped the economy, and i wasted 15$ to soon a week later having a duping exploit on magma!!

PSS - to Keep this from post farming vote here if you want one factions sever
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