Hello Again (My story)

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Apr 6, 2017
Well I don't know if many of you remember me but I'm _Demote or connorholladay35. I played on Foxcraft from 2013-2015. This is my first time on the forums and the server in over a year. I'm a little surprised though. The server seems dead which is a shame because Foxcraft was a great server. I think only a few of the OG's will remember me. (@jayxkrazies @connor12568 @11kobeer.) For those who don't know me. I was known in the community as a trouble maker. (Just ask @connor12568.) I used to be a guard on prison but some things happened and my rep kind of went down the drain. After I was banned on my account connorholladay35, I got onto a new account a few months later and only told a few people who I really trusted who I actually was. Pretty soon, word spread throughout the entire server. For a few months playing on my _Demote account, all of my friends quit. I knew it was my time to go as well. If any OG Foxcrafters see this, I just wanna say that I miss all of you and that I really enjoyed the time we spent together
I remember you. And it is true and sad... Foxcraft really was and still is a great server... But most the staff have become inactive and players are leaving it is sad to see...
No offense but I seriously thought you killed yourself.
Not sure if you remember, But I'm ThePowerOfSix, and I was in the OG factions and prison
Yes! The name sounds familiar
No offense but I seriously thought you killed yourself.
Not sure if you remember, But I'm ThePowerOfSix, and I was in the OG factions and prison
Remember BigBoyRyan851 from factions?
Yes! The name sounds familiar

Remember BigBoyRyan851 from factions?
How can I forget lol, he always 3v1ed me. with cactus jones and some other guys.
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