Hallo Kumpels.

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Hello, welcome to the community! I have seen you around Skyblock recently. I love shrimp as well!
<3 for shrimp.
Welcome to Foxcraft:D
Be sure to follow the rules.
Will do. :p.
Welcome to Foxcraft! ^-^
Thanks! ^-^.
Welcome to the forums!
Thank You!
Welcome to the Foxcraft community! I hope you'll have a great time :)
Will do! :).
Hey! Welcome to the forums.
Thanks Alain!
Welcome to forums, i support Man city so a bit of rivalry >;33 xD hope to see you around!
Rivalry!!!! :3. Anyway in all seriousness... I hope to see you around as well!
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One does not simply like

He must LOVE the kfc.

This is a life lesson created by matrix.
If you are German you would understand the title.
Anyways, I am new to fox-craft.
Another new person (I guess) recommended it to me. His name is @snw.
I am 14 years old and I am looking forward to playing here!
I hope the community will give me a warm welcome and that the community is great! (Guessing it is).
Anyways, I'll say some interesting facts about me!

Favorite Sports Teams.
Soccer - Manchester United.
Football - Falcons.
Baseball - Braves.
Basketball - Heats.

As I said above I am 14.

Favorite Food.
I am addicted to shrimp! It is so good that if you give it to me I will go crazy!!!!

Least Favorite Food.
I don't think y'all will care about this. But I absolutely hate Brussel Sprouts.
They are the death of me.

If y'all couldn't tell my IGN is Trademarket.

Friends on fox-craft.
@Affixes. - Well I can't say you are my friend but I know you.

See y'all around!!!

Welcome bro! I like your introduction a lot, it really gives out positive vibes.
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