[Guide] Customizable Forums

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Mar 7, 2016
Trapped Under 11kobeer's Chin
Hello, I'm going to show you how you can edit or customize the look of the forums, in various ways. Credit to @JPlay08 for informing me about this feature. This is available to anyone who is a signed in member of the Foxcraft forums.

Step 1

Scroll down to the bottom of the Foxcraft forums, until you see these two options. (AD Styler, Color Options)

Step 1.png

Step 2 (AD Styler)

When opened, AD Styler will appear near the top left corner of your screen.

Step 2.png

Starting with the little darkened box (beside AD Styler logo), which is set automatically to default. This feature allows you to change the back drop of the forums.

I've set my back drop to "Minecraft"

Step 3 (AD Styler)

Next, by using Panel Font you can change the text of titles of threads.

Step 3.png

There is more to play around with, but I'll leave that to you to.

Step 4 (Color Options)

By clicking the "Color Options" feature, situated left of "AD Styler", you'll bring up this menu.

Step 4.png
By choosing one of these many options, you'll edit the colors of some of the buttons and texts on the Foxcraft forums.


Example 3.png

Example 2.png

I'm aware people may already know about this, it's just for newer players that do not know about this!
Anyways, hope this guide was helpful, and I hope you'll try out these features,
if you haven't already done so!

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You should use wrath and customize the background :D! That what mine has been for a while now! Thanks for the guide btw!
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Reactions: Micm_
Thank you for this- I already saw, it but didn't know you could change the font or background color.. helpful indeed you are
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Reactions: Micm_
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