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Mar 8, 2016
I quit this server, these updates suck. ;)
Do SkyFoxs and ranks that are higher then that still have access to World Edit on Creative.

They should, yes. I'm working on getting this fixed now. You sometimes need a higher donator rank for some commands though. Skyfox should have access to //set, //replace, //move, //copy, //paste, //undo and //redo.

Please start reporting bugs instead of straight up leaving the community. We are here to help :P
They should, yes. I'm working on getting this fixed now. You sometimes need a higher donator rank for some commands though. Skyfox should have access to //set, //replace, //move, //copy, //paste, //undo and //redo.

Please start reporting bugs instead of straight up leaving the community. We are here to help :p
I assume since they have //set they have //wand?
People need to realize that nothing in this world is perfect, it's called trial and error. Ofc there are going to be bugs...that's just natural lmao. But bye rairi :(
Stay I can make sure sure not sad or mad
They should, yes. I'm working on getting this fixed now. You sometimes need a higher donator rank for some commands though. Skyfox should have access to //set, //replace, //move, //copy, //paste, //undo and //redo.

Bring back applications
They should, yes. I'm working on getting this fixed now. You sometimes need a higher donator rank for some commands though. Skyfox should have access to //set, //replace, //move, //copy, //paste, //undo and //redo.

Please start reporting bugs instead of straight up leaving the community. We are here to help :p
Thank you.
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