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Sep 23, 2017
Hello everyone,

I have literally no idea how to start this but, let's get straight to the point: I will not be the Foxcraft Manager any longer.
It was fun managing Foxcraft, I don't really know anything else to say.
From now on, I will focus more on my education and other stuff.

I wish everyone on Foxcraft, and Foxcraft itself the best in the future!


Wow @iBrady,
It's realy sad to see you resigned, follow your hart and have fun in your live
Goodluck with your education brady!;)
een paar nieuwe schoenen heb je wel verdient ''troubleschooter of Foxcraft!"'
Thanks for improving Foxcraft, you certainly contributed!!


Wow @iBrady,
It's realy sad to see you resigned, follow your hart and have fun in your live
Goodluck with your education brady!;)
een paar nieuwe schoenen heb je wel verdient ''troubleschooter of Foxcraft!"'
Thanks for improving Foxcraft, you certainly contributed!!


Foxcraft is going to be even more dead now :/
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Well I'm disappointed, with some salt added in the mix. But at least you fixed some things for Survival whilst you was here. Goodluck with future education and life in general. Thank you for the effort and work you've put into Foxcraft.
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Could never thank you enough for all the improvements you made on the server and all the favors you did for me in which I could have not returned. So glad you're focusing more on your life now and I hope you continue being successful.
ach brady jonge,
I had a feeling we never liked eachother but ye xD
After I got demoted, I started to feel like we liked each other you know, how it used to be.
Vind het jammer dat je fox verlaat, eerlijk.
Door jou en je aanwezigheid is fox echt helemaal veranderd en verbeterd <3
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