Goodbye - Vcqce

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I think my time has come to an end.
I recently got banned for "autoclicking 26cps" ..
I don't autoclick 26cps let alone get my cps to 15. But now im banned and no chance of unban ive considered quitting Minecraft. I liked the game while I played it. Had many good memories made videos on Foxcraft. Overall it was a good time and would like to say my goodbye for the last time as im banned and not considering coming back.
I wont tag anyone but ive had good friends on the server been playing the server for more than 5 years. Had my fun now im moving on.
-strafe aka Vcqce
You don't like me but you make the game fun... sometimes... Good luck with everything!
I think my time has come to an end.
I recently got banned for "autoclicking 26cps" ..
I don't autoclick 26cps let alone get my cps to 15. But now im banned and no chance of unban ive considered quitting Minecraft. I liked the game while I played it. Had many good memories made videos on Foxcraft. Overall it was a good time and would like to say my goodbye for the last time as im banned and not considering coming back.
I wont tag anyone but ive had good friends on the server been playing the server for more than 5 years. Had my fun now im moving on.
-strafe aka Vcqce
bet £10 u come back within the next 10 years
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