Giveaway time!

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Jan 18, 2021
Hi everyone,

i was thinking what i should do with some of my loot on OBglacier.
And decided to give everything away because i am quitting this season of OBglacier.

This is also a tip to cloakfox (reset obglacier because it is 1 junk because of all those updates).

Alright, enough stupid talk this is what i am going to give!

First place:
27 tier 3 miner minions
27 tier 1 fishing minions
31 xp spawners

Second place:
20 tier 1 collector minions
24 tier 1 lumberjack minions

Third place:
23 tier 1 slayer minions

What u need to do?

1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Make a command with your discord / in game name and tell me what is your best opening sentence for a girl/boy.
4. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp favorite PuurNatuur.
5. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp go PuurNatuur and /like.

(To get more change to win promote this post ;)

This giveaway will end on Tuesday 5 Juli 4:00 PM EST

Good Luck everyone!
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Kwinten # 4159

Heb jij een muis in je buik? Nee? Dan heb je een hele goede poes!
No idea what you mean by command but here;
Discord User; SpookyBlook#1248
MC User; StoryBlook [Nick is "Haunted" Currently]

The opening sentence depends, a comment about a shared interest or something positive you noticed about them could work.
Comments such as "Oh you enjoy ____? I do too!" or "I like ____ as well" could quickly start a conversation due to shared interests. As people tend to talk to or interact with people who have something in common with them.
Also a comment about how they perform well or abilities. [Ex. In an MC sense Building or PVP. In a real-world sense cooking is one]

geef mij maar <3 dan komt die rommel niet bij andere noobs haha, ook goede reden om te reseten omdat ik instant 15+ minions kan fixen dan :)
1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Make a command with your discord / in game name and tell me what is your best opening sentence for a girl/boy.
My discord is Otiqt#6758 and ign Otiqt the best sentence is are you a tree cutter becouse i wanna fall for you
4. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp favorite PuurNatuur.
Did that
5. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp go PuurNatuur and /like.
Did that
1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Make a command with your discord / in game name and tell me what is your best opening sentence for a girl/boy.
Discord is Yuiroko#9098. IGN is Yuiroko. Pick up line: Is that a creeper in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
4. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp favorite PuurNatuur.
5. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp go PuurNatuur and /like.

1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Make a command with your discord / in game name and tell me what is your best opening sentence for a girl/boy.
My discord is Ainz#5062 and my IGN is 0x_s,for best opening: No wonder the sky is dark —all the color is in your eyes.
4. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp favorite PuurNatuur.
5. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp go PuurNatuur and /like.
Done easy
Done easy
3.Make a command with your discord / in game name and tell me what us your best opening sentence for a girl/boy.
this ones harder but here we go disc-I am Sup3r#7014 in game name Sup3rGam3r1100 or sup3r for short. Best pick up line here we go "You remind me of the 20 letters of the alphabet" "Other guy-actually there's 26 letters in the alphabet" "Me, Silly me how could I forget the u,r,a,q t." "Other guy again-um thats still only 25" "Me again-Oh that's right you can get this d later Well that was long next.
4. Go to OBglacier type /pwarp favorite PuurNatuur.

Done easy
5. Go to OBglacier type /pwarp go PuurNatuur and /like.
Done easy
1 Like this post.
I liked the post
2. Follow me on forums.
I followed
3. Make a command with your discord / in game name and tell me what is your best opening sentence for a girl/boy.
my Discord it Dead_cccaaatt#2091 and my in game user is The_cccaaatt my nick is The_cat. My best opening sentence would be: "I'm not a fisherman, but I'm good enough to know that your a good catch." then laugh awk·ward·ly and say "I'm sorry that was really bad." and smile :D
4. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp favorite PuurNatuur.
5. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp go PuurNatuur and /like.

(Note this is coming from a kid who can't work up the courage to ask any1 out but if you do end up using this pickup line let me know how it goes)
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1. Like this post.
2. Follow me on forums.
3. Make a command with your discord / in game name and tell me what is your best opening sentence for a girl/boy.
Discord is Apiati#8960. IGN is Apiati. Pick up line: I’m just hypothesizing, but I think that the reaction between you and me would be quite exothermic. Care to plot some data points?
4. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp favorite PuurNatuur.
5. Go to OBglacier typ /pwarp go PuurNatuur and /like.
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