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IGN: MissHussy_xo
Server: Survival
What I like Most About The Server: I like the very fun community and the fact I can play on any one part of the server with very minor lag if any at all.
IGN: ItsJustaTest
I Would Like The Rank On Factions
I've Been Playing Foxcraft For A Few Years! I Really Enjoy Playing Skywars And Survival And Factions! I Also
Do Have Rank VIP!.. I Also Think The Staff Are Very Good At Banning Hackers, And More!
IGN: Atomices
SERVER: Survival
REASON: Foxcraft is one of my most played server , and I loved ever since the old days of the server and so, I always wanted a rank so I could show that really love the server but I never really had the cash to buy it
IGN: Foxcr4ft
Server I play: Survival
What I like most about foxycraft:This server is my favorite as i played since the 1.7 and even made a facebook page about it XD . I like the server survival because it is very unique and friendly and fun to play on because other servers look so complicated but Foxcraft is just normal and high quality and alot of servers to choose from as Agario, op prison etc.
I highly recomend this server to anyone!
IGN: My IGN is currently: Ereqt
Server?: Prison Please (I'd like to get something on prison instead because i aready have shadowfox and i play prison quite often now)
My favorite thing about Foxcraft?: My favorite thing about Foxcraft would probaly be the inspiring community, the inspiring people, builds, etc. This was the first server I ever joined. And it's still and inspiration to me, even though i had some up's and down's.
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