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Mar 7, 2016
Hey guys!
As it says in the title, I'm giving away a shadowfox rank on 1 server that the winner will choose.
To enter the giveaway you must:

1. Comment your IGN
2. Comment which server you want the rank on
3. Tell me what you like most about Foxcraft

I will draw the winner 4th of August at 8pm (CEST) by using a random generator.

Good luck <3

Commenting twice will lead to a disqualification!

Nice giveaway! vouch.
- cloakfox

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SERVER: Skywars
REASON: Foxcraft's community is quite amazing, and the staff are really reasonable and are very respectable people :)
Plus, I've been playing Foxcraft for around 3 years now, with breaks maybe, but I've seen this server develop further and further to be a great server to play on! ;)
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IGN: _LegitHacks
Server: FactionMagma
Why: I think Fox is an amazing place. The staff is just so incredible nice. Some ppl may also know me as AceOfficial. But Foxcraft is my home now. I play here every day. Up to many hours aday. I will be as much active also. But the server is incredible good spawns builds staff and ofc the servers here. I would love to get shadowfox rank. Its not for respect its for the abilitys you get while being a rank. Thanks for reading btw - Jacob / Aceofficial
1. snoopysims
2. Skyblock Vulcan
3. I really like Jacob Sartorius.
Omg i have to vote ok snoop u win xD <3 Im done.
Hey guys!
As it says in the title, I'm giving away a shadowfox rank on 1 server that the winner will choose.
To enter the giveaway you must:

1. Comment your IGN
2. Comment which server you want the rank
3. Tell me what you like most about Foxcraft

I will draw the winner 4th of August at 8pm (CEST) by using a random generator.

Good luck <3

Commenting twice will lead to a disqualification!

Nice giveaway! vouch.
- cloakfox

  • Monroee
  • Skwyars
  • Foxcraft is such an incredible server. The ranks, the games, the Staff members. Our community is jus wonderful. I wouldn't change it if I could. I'm so grateful to be apart of it, and know all of you.
IGN: TochTom
SERVER: Skyblock (Glacier)
WHAT I LIKE ABOUT Foxcraft: The thing I like about Foxcraft the most is the community, because they are always helping each other out on the skyblock server to stand strong against hackers, scammers and other scum that comes across our beautiful server. Everyone is trying to give the new guys a good and healthy starters package so that they can become as strong or stronger than veteran players. This is exactly what happened to my buddy and I, and we are still trying to give the newest players some stuff so they can have a great & fantastic time on this server!
Hi Mech,
I am Nieq thats my IGN and i want the rank on Kitpvp becuase i like Kitpvp so much. I play more than 1 year on kitpvp and i love the idea to jump down and fight i also like the kits and that you can spare better stuff like full iron gear. I like the staff, they are really helpfull and funny! beside MechBaetato ,no joke xD!!!!! (Sorry for my Dyslexia) I asked my dad for a rank (Skyfox) but he hasn't got a creditcard but a debit :(. So....... I like to get the Rank!

Thank you for give a Rank away, i hope also that other players got lucky too!
Hey guys!
As it says in the title, I'm giving away a shadowfox rank on 1 server that the winner will choose.
To enter the giveaway you must:

1. Comment your IGN
2. Comment which server you want the rank
3. Tell me what you like most about Foxcraft

I will draw the winner 4th of August at 8pm (CEST) by using a random generator.

Good luck <3

Commenting twice will lead to a disqualification!

Nice giveaway! vouch.
- cloakfox

My ign: ItzDitzy
Server: Skyblock
Why I love the server: I love Foxcraft because it's a great community where you can make new friends, help people, and have fun over all! It's by far my most favorite server I've known.
IGN: RealArrow
Server: Skywars
What I like best: The community, the Foxcraft community is so peaceful and nice there's not a lot of fights or racism or threats or anything of that matter.
IGN: TochTom (for my buddy)
SERVER: Skyblock (Glacier)
He is the best friend i ever had and ever will get.
I hope we are friends for ever already dor 10 years :P.
Now about the server: player help the staff the banned hacker and the Staff banned them fast a posble (only real hacker ofc).
staff is friendly helpfull.
The best past is that every body helps every one with droppartys en slam gifts that the best part in my eyes.

ps sorry my english is not the best i hope u understand it :o
Hey guys!
As it says in the title, I'm giving away a shadowfox rank on 1 server that the winner will choose.
To enter the giveaway you must:

1. Comment your IGN
2. Comment which server you want the rank
3. Tell me what you like most about Foxcraft

I will draw the winner 4th of August at 8pm (CEST) by using a random generator.

Good luck <3

Commenting twice will lead to a disqualification!

Nice giveaway! vouch.
- cloakfox

What is you in-game name?: My in-game name is ninjastar27.

What server do you want the rank on?: I would enjoy skyfox on sky block glacier.

What do you like about fox craft?: The thing I like about fox craft is the entire server. I like the people that I play with because they are always so entertaining. I love every game mode on fox craft. For some reason I just like the games on fox craft more than any other server. This means I think this server is great and would be a privlage to have a rank on.

IGN: Quaqs (my alt)
Server: Skyblock Glacier
What I like most about Foxcraft is how good the staff are at banning people for advertising, hacking, and many other things. Thanks for the time :)
IGN: RedTheFox999
Server: Skyblock
What I like most about Foxcraft: I like the friendly (mostly) community, because it's very inviting.
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