Giveaway giftcards!!!!!!!!!!!!

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why? becouse i like Foxcraft and i need the money for a spawner pack
Best Memory? my best memorie is that the old suvival was the best world and best comunity
discord: m4ster_of_dr4gons#2271
minecraft name: M4ster_s3npai
why i want to win: i want a lot of fortune crate keys
favorite memory: making friends on it
Hello fox players,

So me and some staff decided to give 3 giftcards away. Each of them are worth $5.
The only thing you need to do is respond under this message with your:
Discord name + Tagg
Minecraft name
Why you want to win // What is your favourite memory on the server

Credits to @Elyseeh @VictorH1

This will end in 3 days

why? I want to give my closest friend a foxqueen voucher, she deserves it, she is one of the nicest people in survival, and she has helped a lot of people.
Best memory? The events in survival, where everyone competed and had lots of fun!
Hello fox players,

So me and some staff decided to give 3 giftcards away. Each of them are worth $5.
The only thing you need to do is respond under this message with your:
Discord name + Tagg
Minecraft name
Why you want to win // What is your favourite memory on the server

Credits to @Elyseeh @VictorH1

This will end in 3 days
my best memory was when I first met my good friends Sup3rgam3r1100 and Milkermilkman
Discord: GladdeNossoNL7#9339
Game username: GladdeNossoNL7
Reason to win: Saving up for rankup to foxking.
Memory: Vibing with cloak on the roof of the old skyblock market building.
discord: Yoongee#4796
Minecraft: yoongee
Why because i want to upgrade my rank and maybe buy a fortune key so i can get minions. yeah thats it really
Favrite memory is when my bud hischrasen gave me a free rank key i got fox :)
The IRS#7191
i dont even have 3$ irl im poor
memory:finishing all island stages first time
why? i wanna buy ranks keys and give them away to people who need it
best memory vibing with friends in fox dc call and talking in game with others
Why? I want to buy a rankupgrade on skyblock.
Best memory? Playing on Foxcraft with xLinktijger.
gl people with the giveaway
I want to win to buy keys and share them with my friends :D
Fav memory: Vibing, Calls with friends, PvPing with a lot of players
ionask# 5650
i give to my friend
my favourite memory is on pvp whith my friends
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Discord: kitten_#8826
Minecraft: xlovelykitten
My favourite memory is in Creative, building and roleplaying with my friends and chatting with them everyday.
Dc: Poema05
Mc: poema05
So why I want to win is because I play Foxcraft for almost a year now Foxcraft is actually the first server I joined since I bought Java for myself and I played on it ever since
My favorite moment on the server is getting to know new people that I became friends with and played on a server with them for a while
I hope I win and if I don’t win congrats to the person that does win
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