GiveAway for 2000 Island Visitors!!!


Aug 29, 2020
Hello There!
Im doing a giveaway, because me island reached 2K island visitors!!!
TY all so much for this. This giveaway will be on OBGLACIER!!! Not on other things likes vulcano or other gamemodes!!!

What can you win???
1ste Place: Shulker full good stuff. Money, Spawners, etc.
2ste Place: 500k
3ste Place: Some good, not the best, armor set!
4ste Place: A giftcard that can be used for on my wwarp. It will be word 100k
5ste Place: Free FoxKing Kit. Can be claimed by me. MSG me when i be online to claim!

How can i win???
Step 1: Visit me wwarp and /like it.
Step 2: Reply on this command the following things:
-That you like to join the giveaway
-Your Discord User ID
-Ur MineCraft Name
-And say why u like to win this price(s)
-Step 3: Wait! The GiveAway will end in sometime. (Maybe a week, Maybe 2. Max 1,5 Week, To give evry1 The chance.)

With a Friendly great,
Discord: NilsMemer#4247
Wwarp: /wwarp Nils_2010
GoodLuck & HaveFun

BTW, Evry day some1 will win something. Its not that i give the stuff in 1 time, no i will takes 5 days

5th Place: xDark_M
4: ?
3: ?
2: ?
1: ?
Last edited:
- I would like to join the giveaway
- xDark_M#7777
- xDark_M
- if I win I will divide my profit with beginners and give them a nice start

Thanks for hosting this :)
I'd like to enter the giveaway
Discord: Ruen1#6283
MC: ravenswood1
I'd like to win because it's awesome that people do giveaways like this, and I enjoy participating. Congrats on 2k <3
I would like to join this giveaway :D
Lud .#6666
name: oLud
I would like to win this price because I appreciate this server and want to get better.

Thanks for hosting a giveaway on this amazing server :)))

Grats on 2k!!!
i like to enter the givaweymc wzhq
i want to win the briche becuse i need it and i want to be better
dc sirre#5918
-i would like to join this giveaway
-i would like to win this giveaway because i would like to build a better shop for all the new players that just join for free stuff like netherite or even diamonds
hi i would like to join the giveaway
mc name: WTwalleTW
i want to win the prices cuz i need better stuff and all of my friends have better stuff then i do, i also want to build better xp farms and farms in usual!

Grats on 2k111
- I would like to join the giveaway
- xDark_M#7777
- xDark_M
- if I win I will divide my profit with beginners and give them a nice start

Thanks for hosting this :)
GG ur 5th, u sended u a friend request on dc, if i am online u can claim ur price!
Nice giveaway!

Discord: Kloppie#0001
Minecraft: Kloppierr
I like this giveaway ;). and yea idk why i want to win.
Hey kloppie! Good your joined! U missed 5th place, but u can still win place 4, 3, 2 & 1! GoodLuck Kloppie! GoodLuck Evry1 Else!
Hello There!
Im doing a giveaway, because me island reached 2K island visitors!!!
TY all so much for this. This giveaway will be on OBGLACIER!!! Not on other things likes vulcano or other gamemodes!!!

What can you win???
1ste Place: Shulker full good stuff. Money, Spawners, etc.
2ste Place: 500k
3ste Place: Some good, not the best, armor set!
4ste Place: A giftcard that can be used for on my wwarp. It will be word 100k
5ste Place: Free FoxKing Kit. Can be claimed by me. MSG me when i be online to claim!

How can i win???
Step 1: Visit me wwarp and /like it.
Step 2: Reply on this command the following things:
-That you like to join the giveaway
-Your Discord User ID
-Ur MineCraft Name
-And say why u like to win this price(s)
-Step 3: Wait! The GiveAway will end in sometime. (Maybe a week, Maybe 2. Max 1,5 Week, To give evry1 The chance.)

With a Friendly great,
Discord: NilsMemer#4247
Wwarp: /wwarp Nils_2010
GoodLuck & HaveFun

BTW, Evry day some1 will win something. Its not that i give the stuff in 1 time, no i will takes 5 days

5th Place: xDark_M
4: ?
3: ?
2: ?
1: ?
Hello There!
Im doing a giveaway, because me island reached 2K island visitors!!!
TY all so much for this. This giveaway will be on OBGLACIER!!! Not on other things likes vulcano or other gamemodes!!!

What can you win???
1ste Place: Shulker full good stuff. Money, Spawners, etc.
2ste Place: 500k
3ste Place: Some good, not the best, armor set!
4ste Place: A giftcard that can be used for on my wwarp. It will be word 100k
5ste Place: Free FoxKing Kit. Can be claimed by me. MSG me when i be online to claim!

How can i win???
Step 1: Visit me wwarp and /like it.
Step 2: Reply on this command the following things:
-That you like to join the giveaway
-Your Discord User ID
-Ur MineCraft Name
-And say why u like to win this price(s)
-Step 3: Wait! The GiveAway will end in sometime. (Maybe a week, Maybe 2. Max 1,5 Week, To give evry1 The chance.)

With a Friendly great,
Discord: NilsMemer#4247
Wwarp: /wwarp Nils_2010
GoodLuck & HaveFun

BTW, Evry day some1 will win something. Its not that i give the stuff in 1 time, no i will takes 5 days

5th Place: xDark_M
4: ?
3: ?
2: ?
1: ?

GG: WTwalleTW with 4th place!!!