give away vulcan

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Known Member
May 13, 2021
I'm bored so I'm doing a give away on oneblock Vulcan

what can you win:
1 minions of every kind (all t1)
2 skeleton, zombie, cow, chicken and sheep spawners
1 foxgod kit
and last but not least 2 25 isl size upgrades

what do you have to do to enter the give away

state your ign name aswel as your discord name
why do you want to win
and how long you play on Vulcan

the winner will be revealed in 1 week and will be chosen by a random number generator

good luck and kind regards
George2kk#5252 (discord)
minecraft name:George2kk
4−7 monday−friday
6−8 saturday sunday
yes yes
am too lazy to fix message so y e s

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little change to the requirements since not everyone has discord stating your discord account is optional but i would recommend to stating it so i can contact you easier if you win
state your ign: xXvexenXx
why do you want to win: Why shouldn't matter if it is a random pick :p I don't want to win. I just didn't want to be left out :)
and how long you play on Vulcan: not very long
Recently joined but quite active
hoping to automate some menial work with the minions to work on leveling skills more
i should win because im always very nice to you hahahahaha... i dont have alot of spawners, and one minion i barely use. it would be a great kickstarter if i win. i play almost every day, most of the day and you see me online frequently. I've been playing one block vulcan since the 30th of januari 2022, and striving since.

Dc: Richy#2991
Mc: RichySM
i wanna win bc it would be nice and it would help an lot for me

my discord is light and speed #1075 (u already have me on discord]
my minecraft user is tiejo

if been playing sinds may 2021 21th
and played 7d 5h on vulcan in total
I wanna win because that would be pog. If i win i would use all the stuff to make spawner buildings in my city on my island. ive been playing oneblock for prob a month now

Dc = Thijmen#3533
Mc = Th_Snipes
I want to win, because i can use the minions in our new city!
I am playing Oneblock one month ig, and skyblock like 4 years.
SireGingy Gingy#0875
Just entering my name into the contest to see if I win.
Played on Vulcan for about a month now and normally play for a hour a two each day.

i dont have dicord i spoke about it with you poema

i play since 14 jan 2022

i want to win because i really need it because im really new and i want to make some progress in the game

i hope you liked it and i will see if i won

ok bye have a good day
ik speel niet mega veel op Oneblock maar ook niet mega weinig het zou me leuk lijken te winnen ingame naam kaasburgetijd ook als nick kaasburgertijd discord kaasburgertijd#3570 |
congratulations cheesybram u have won the give away
ill try to contact you today if i dont succeed i wil try again tomorrow
and thanks to everyone who has participated i am already thinking of a next give away more on that later
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