Foxcraft Voting (Create FREE store GIFTCARDS)

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Mar 7, 2016

Hello Foxcrafters!

We are introducing Foxcraft Votes to you.

This new system allows players to vote for our server on server listing sites and receive 1 Vote Point reward per vote! These new Vote Points can be used to create store giftcards and essentialy allows everybody to get cool ranks, perks, items & other upgrades from our store for free!

Monthly top voters automaticly get extra vote point rewards at the end of the month.
  1. +500 Vote Points (Worth €10)
  2. +400 Vote Points (Worth €8)
  3. +300 Vote Points (Worth €6)
  4. +200 Vote points (Worth €4)
  5. +100 Vote Points (Worth €2)
(Monthly Vote Point rewards will be enabled in September, so basicly they will be enabled tomorrow)

Some other features you will see inside the menu is the ability to grab vote links and see when you can vote again for a specific voting site. It's also possible to see the leaderboards for alltime, monthly & daily leaderboards to make tracking & competing for monthly rewards easier.

In the bottem of the menu you will be able to find the balance view and a list giftcards button. The balance shows how many Vote Points you have and also shows what it's worth so you can easily get an idea when you are able to create a giftcard. The list giftcards button will show all previously created giftcards and allows you to easily grab & copy the giftcard code so you can use it on


Created giftcards can be used on our store:

Thanks for reading this small announcement. We hope you like this new update, and I hope it brings back some old memories.

Kind regards,



  • Knipsel.PNG
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Seems sick thanks! Ill be sure to vote, unfortunately i already voted a couple hours ago :P but will do it later today or tommorow :).
Nice addition, I remember competing for ad top before. You probably already know this, but Survival definitely needs some serious attention.
Good work.
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Reactions: cloakfox
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