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we need a dutch staff like pls thats all we need do i need to get Jake Paul, Keemstar, and leafy?
this server has good things such as the toxicity level and the choice of helpers because no one can watch me when im on coz , no asian staff ( racist). ok firstly , the staff rules , its dumb , if i say my horoscope is ****** ,i'll get muted for making fun of disabilities that's really smart. secondly , the staff , mainly new manager like *mind blown* prob expeleld from schoool thats why he does minecraft but anyway , i suggested global ./msg so u can alert staf but guess what's his reply , ' u can already msg friends from didferent servers' the thing is if ur fighting a hacker lets say on sglacier i can do ./msg ibrady come sglacier ban this hacker help help . i guess he misunderstood and thought ( example: im on sglacier and i do ./friend request ibrady , waits for 20 minutes while fighting the hackers , until he accepts friend req , i'll ./msg ibrady help help hacker and finds out his ./msg disabled and then i'll have to get my alt on while fighting hacker to tag this kid to get the staff and once the staff comes here the hacker would have toggled and that's absolutely fine coz i dont' relaly care bout this server , just pointing out obvious mistakes that hasn't been corrected . honestly iw ould be a better staff in this coz i know the rules better than a senior admin does , but Yoahi's the best staff probably apart from Jaywiz , but anyway just fix this server and maybe it wont be as dead as 13 players constantly throughout the global timezones , i want to see this server shine . cloakfox ik ur in college but i hope u pass all ur exams so u can come create this server a better one just like affixes did , or maybe add connor back to the team coz he's the best staff #thicclick #tqzzwillshine anywayyyyyyy good luick ibrady , bring back pattern / colour chat to skyblock and enable special characters coz that would be really kewl and GOOD LUCK KIDS
There are no Asian staff/staff of much ethnicity probably because those people don't apply. The server obviously wants people of different regions to have staff on as frequently as possible
Don't use disabilities as objects of prepositions. Or just don't say them in general... I agree I don't like this rule but its seriously not that big of a deal. Refrain yourself from calling MinecraftPig54 aids because you're salty.
Global message is a +1. Either that or /report.
Trying to make a point convoluted with your own personal opinion and ego doesn't make it better.
Also if you're trying to make an actual statement than try using grammar that makes you look like you hit your head on a big rock
There are no Asian staff/staff of much ethnicity probably because those people don't apply. The server obviously wants people of different regions to have staff on as frequently as possible
Don't use disabilities as objects of prepositions. Or just don't say them in general... I agree I don't like this rule but its seriously not that big of a deal. Refrain yourself from calling MinecraftPig54 aids because you're salty.
Global message is a +1. Either that or /report.
Trying to make a point convoluted with your own personal opinion and ego doesn't make it better.
Also if you're trying to make an actual statement than try using grammar that makes you look like you hit your head on a big rock
gtfo u racist **** im asian cut me some slack on that english u skinny jeans
Patience, maybe the next Helper app more people from different time zones will apply.
im not becoming staff on this server i cos i want to play purely survival @Toastynesss
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