Fix Survival

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We run our servers on the best hardware we can get (currently Ryzen 5950X), everyone in this thread also seems to forget that we do not have a worldborder enabled, offering this feature of endless exploration comes with a few trade offs and issues that we solve by implementing non intrusive limits.

Most in this thread also forget that we do not reset our server survival servers every x months. Again this comes at a cost as well. (previous survival server ran for 4+ years)

Everything you can do in vanilla Minecraft is still possible in our servers as long as you don't cram x entities into 1 chunk, or as long as you don't spam elytra/tridents :)
So what ur saying is a fcking aternos server runs better than Foxcraft
welp cloak u should make a world border because we do want the elytra to have no cool down + with the entities we do want villagers in a chunk to expand
And same thing on ob I found ways to deal with villagers but the firework cool down is too fcking far considering exploring is no longer a option of getting recourses effectivly let's say I need to get somewhere 20k blocks away I don't want to walk there I want to glide firework cool down makes that near impossible
I've only just starting using Elytra - but must admit it the timer on it doesn't bother me. I think it just gets some getting use to. I also like that there is no world boarder because there is always a chance to explore more if my understanding of this is correct.
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