Favorite Books =)

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IGN: ThePowerOfSix
Favorite Book: ThePowerOfSix ( yes my names a book) This book is a series continued by I am Number Four
Why? : its really fun reading it.. its a group of 9 kids escaping from an invasion from a group of aliens.. then these 9 kids travel to earth.. so they could survive and develop their powers (called legacies) 3 kids die..
Main Character: Four, Six, Nine, henry, Eight, and five..
Short Summary: read up
Extra Info: Its a really nice book
Another book lol

IGN: ThePowerOfSix
Favorite Book: Starters by lissa price
Why? : its an awesome book ;)

Main Character: callie and blake and her brother and an evil guy
Short Summary: a girl lost her parents and now lives alone at streets with her brother and her friend, they slowly die from hunger,until callie decides to sell her body to elders (180 year old men/women) she must rent her body to an elder woman for a month.. for alot of money, but then the elder woman will use callies body to kill someone
Extra Info:I recommend this book ;)

P,S: I READ ALOT OF BOOKS.. and i could go one, but na :D
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