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Jul 8, 2016

  • bow boost needs to be fixed before the reset (it gets really annoying that you cant bow boost)
  • /sell all or /sell hand it will be so much easier to sell stuff than keep on selling it by /shop
  • sell signs so u put like a sell sign on a chest and u can left click it and it will sell the normal stuff u can sell
  • add colour to /f title to make it more interesting
  • add back the kill show so like [player] was killed by [player] using a potato
  • add /bal [player] back
  • add /baltop
  • add looting to token board so like up to VI
  • maybe add /mobarena
  • excavation should be fixed
  • fix /pet and morph
  • fix enderchests for people who have ranks so what it says on /store

  • bow boost needs to be fixed before the reset (it gets really annoying that you cant bow boost)
  • /sell all or /sell hand it will be so much easier to sell stuff than keep on selling it by /shop
  • sell signs so u put like a sell sign on a chest and u can left click it and it will sell the normal stuff u can sell
  • add colour to /f title to make it more interesting
  • add back the kill show so like [player] was killed by [player] using a potato
  • add /bal [player] back
  • add /baltop
  • add looting to token board so like up to VI
  • maybe add /mobarena
  • excavation should be fixed
  • fix /pet and morph
  • fix enderchests for people who have ranks so what it says on /store
yes pls
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