Factions Season 6 Change log official thread


  • Root Beer

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • Mtn. Dew

    Votes: 8 40.0%

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Mar 7, 2016
North Korea
Hello fellow people of the internet.
Today we're going to be discussing the Factions reset unless some tards start a flame war in the replies.
So first off, @cloakfox follow me on Twitter fam it would absolutely skyrocket my ego.
Secondly, let's pray that @iBrady puts some (all) of this into effect. Anyways.

Reset Date
Factions is just over 2 months old, so it appropriate to say that the reset should occur sometime around mid-December. I think around December 19 (like when it was last year) would be spectacular because more people have more time over a break than.

Custom enchants were nice and all, but I'm thinking we continue with no custom enchants. PvP is more abundant because gear is readily available in quantities greater than when custom enchants were a thing. More pvp = more people happy.

Tokens are nice and are worth keeping, but I think punch needs to be nerfed. Punch 7 is way too OP. Max. punch at 3 or 4.

Mcmmo could go either way, and it is almost a 50 / 50 split for those who are for and against. Either no mcmmo, or max it at a very low level (like 200). But if it does max at 200, make sure that level 200 isn't as OP as level 1250 would be.

Power. 20 or 30 power per player would be bliss. Factions could be small in size and yet a threat to the f top race, bases would be generally more OP.

Faction limit. Factions could become wicked OP with 20 or 30 power per player. So, to combat this, I'm suggesting maxing Factions at 20 players per faction or 800 max. power per faction (note that 20 players with 30 power each is only 600 max. power and not 800. I left an extra 200 for people who buy power on Buycraft).

Nether and End. Make claiming disabled in the Nether and End so that bases are easier to find. And to be honest, withering a base is a pain in the a**.

World border. Decrease the world border to 10,000 blocks instead of 15,000. Would make it much easier for finding bases (more raids).

Nametags. Don't use the name tags that also display the player's faction [Faction] Hswkssj because Invisibility potions do not hide nametags than and are thus rendered useless. Use the old nametags (that just show names).

F missions
Factions missions are achievable perks that can be accessed by an entire faction by completing the requirements.
For example, you could have permanent Speed 2 or Strength 2 for $75,000,000,
more max. power or Faction slots, Faction /pv, boosts, extra damage via fighting, etc. Hard to explain, but a quick search of Factions f missions should clear this up

Addition fuzzy plugins
I titled this section such because the adjective “fuzzy” essentially perfectly describes these. We’re talking about plugins that add no real purpose to factions itself, but are something else to do. Examples include:
*Coin flip plugin
Add more stuff to do

Add more stuff to buycraft cause money’s important. Money pouches, spawners, or other stuff would be a huge buff to buycraft. But you do you cloaky.

Anyway kids, stay in school, don’t do too many drugs, and have fun.
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Just seems like it considering you made a lot of suggestions throughout.
it's not a suggestion it's a formatted list of my ideas for a changelog. Not a suggestion that is simply accepted or denied. Seriously I make one of these every season don't question it...
it's not a suggestion it's a formatted list of my ideas for a changelog. Not a suggestion that is simply accepted or denied. Seriously I make one of these every season don't question it...
I wasn’t questioning it? I said “it just seemed like”
Cool +1, and yeah I'd be happy for a reset in December, it'd be nice to be playing Factions in the Christmas season lol.
+1 would love to see a factions reset with these implemented in. Would love to see more players play.
Hello fellow people of the internet.
Today we're going to be discussing the Factions reset unless some tards start a flame war in the replies.
So first off, @cloakfox follow me on Twitter fam it would absolutely skyrocket my ego.
Secondly, let's pray that @iBrady puts some (all) of this into effect. Anyways.

Reset Date
Factions is just over 2 months old, so it appropriate to say that the reset should occur sometime around mid-December. I think around December 19 (like when it was last year) would be spectacular because more people have more time over a break than.

Custom enchants were nice and all, but I'm thinking we continue with no custom enchants. PvP is more abundant because gear is readily available in quantities greater than when custom enchants were a thing. More pvp = more people happy.

Tokens are nice and are worth keeping, but I think punch needs to be nerfed. Punch 7 is way too OP. Max. punch at 3 or 4.

Mcmmo could go either way, and it is almost a 50 / 50 split for those who are for and against. Either no mcmmo, or max it at a very low level (like 200). But if it does max at 200, make sure that level 200 isn't as OP as level 1250 would be.

Power. 20 or 30 power per player would be bliss. Factions could be small in size and yet a threat to the f top race, bases would be generally more OP.

Faction limit. Factions could become wicked OP with 20 or 30 power per player. So, to combat this, I'm suggesting maxing Factions at 20 players per faction or 800 max. power per faction (note that 20 players with 30 power each is only 600 max. power and not 800. I left an extra 200 for people who buy power on Buycraft).

Nether and End. Make claiming disabled in the Nether and End so that bases are easier to find. And to be honest, withering a base is a pain in the a**.

World border. Decrease the world border to 10,000 blocks instead of 15,000. Would make it much easier for finding bases (more raids).

Nametags. Don't use the name tags that also display the player's faction [Faction] Hswkssj because Invisibility potions do not hide nametags than and are thus rendered useless. Use the old nametags (that just show names).

F missions
Factions missions are achievable perks that can be accessed by an entire faction by completing the requirements.
For example, you could have permanent Speed 2 or Strength 2 for $75,000,000,
more max. power or Faction slots, Faction /pv, boosts, extra damage via fighting, etc. Hard to explain, but a quick search of Factions f missions should clear this up

Addition fuzzy plugins
I titled this section such because the adjective “fuzzy” essentially perfectly describes these. We’re talking about plugins that add no real purpose to factions itself, but are something else to do. Examples include:
*Coin flip plugin
Add more stuff to do

Add more stuff to buycraft cause money’s important. Money pouches, spawners, or other stuff would be a huge buff to buycraft. But you do you cloaky.

Anyway kids, stay in school, don’t do too many drugs, and have fun.
it's not a suggestion it's a formatted list of my ideas for a changelog. Not a suggestion that is simply accepted or denied. Seriously I make one of these every season don't question it...
“A changelog is a log or record of all notable changes made to a project. The project is often a website or software project, and the changelog usually includes records of changes such as bug fixes, new features, etc.”

“an idea or plan put forward for consideration.”
It fits the definition of a suggestion far better than a changelog.
“A changelog is a log or record of all notable changes made to a project. The project is often a website or software project, and the changelog usually includes records of changes such as bug fixes, new features, etc.”

“an idea or plan put forward for consideration.”
It fits the definition of a suggestion far better than a changelog.
1) Stay on topic, seriously let this go it's 100% not important lmao

2) This is a list of all changes made to the server that includes new features, and I could have added bug fixes but I didn't.

3) Also, you were hasty enough to miss what I said...
Not a suggestion that is simply accepted or denied.
This is not a suggestion in the ideal sense of a couple of new ideas that are accepted or denied simply, but a list more so that can be picked and chose from.
Plus this is not suggesting anything for the current server but future, so it would be completely awkward to be "accepted" as it can't really be for another month and a week or so.

Also, no staff have ever, in any of the past change log posts I've made, asked me to put this in the "Suggestion format" and in the "correct section", so why do you care so much.

If you continue to post off-topic posts like this, I will get a staff to delete them. Stay on topic
1) Stay on topic, seriously let this go it's 100% not important lmao

2) This is a list of all changes made to the server that includes new features, and I could have added bug fixes but I didn't.

3) Also, you were hasty enough to miss what I said...
Not a suggestion that is simply accepted or denied.
This is not a suggestion in the ideal sense of a couple of new ideas that are accepted or denied simply, but a list more so that can be picked and chose from.
Plus this is not suggesting anything for the current server but future, so it would be completely awkward to be "accepted" as it can't really be for another month and a week or so.

Also, no staff have ever, in any of the past change log posts I've made, asked me to put this in the "Suggestion format" and in the "correct section", so why do you care so much.

If you continue to post off-topic posts like this, I will get a staff to delete them. Stay on topic
I don’t really see how staff never ssying to move it is relevant at all.
If it’s not important I have no idea why you are replying?
Why would it be awkward if it won’t be added for a month?
You can’t make a changelog on a change that hasn’t even occured but what you can do is suggest things gr that change, which is what you are doing, basically making it a suggestion.
Also, never said I cared what format or section it is in and I really don’t.

On topic:
I don’t see the point of decreasing the world border so it’s easier to find bases. People build them that far out for a reason.
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