Factions resetting on 17-08-2018!

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Mar 7, 2016

Factions hasn't received much love lately from me nor from the players. Nobody seems to like it as much as previous factions we have had on Foxcraft.
Thats why factions will reset this upcoming Friday on 17-08-2018 at 4PM CEST (NL), 10 AM EDT (US), 3PM (UK).

Most suggestions made for Factions have been implemented in the reset, atleast the ones I thought where okay.

:mc_46-0: Full reset details will be posted on thursday. (The changelog is already insanely big) :mc_46-0:

Cloakfox will you give us Ftop rewards? No I won't. Ftop rewards shouldn't even be a reason to play on a Factions server in my opinion.

Keep an eye on the forums on thursday to see the full reset details!

Kind regards,

I wonder how you want to lure the players back to factions? I've seen most of the suggestions for factions. Is that enough? Just saying the reason most people started to play factions was to be in the f top 5... And get that reward. Personally that was my reason also I worked hard everyday to be the number 1 in f top...I do like all the ideas I've seen I really do... But without the top rewards, what do we play for? ''fun''? sure i't's fun to play with 15 people... And have no chance of winning pvp or the koth, because most likely exinfinity and his gang will show up with idk maybe 5 good pvpers. So for all others it will be 5v2? or something like that. And what else is fun? OOH YES raiding! thats great when there are 5 factions which contains one of me and one of exinfinity which base has 100 walls. Not everyone is that great using cannons for that tho. So I what is the reason to play in the way you see it? No offense but.... I do think a reward will motivate people to play. Some people played factions made like a ''survival'' kind of living on factions but got raided, then they leave and won't comeback to factions. They will join survival towny or skyblock but factions will still be dead. I hope you got something amazing for us and the new players. Because otherwise it will be the same 10 people again.
Just think about this.
And remember it isn't personal <3.

Greetings, Vincent
@KelvinZomer // YouTuber / @KelvinZomer @cloakfox
I wonder how you want to lure the players back to factions? I've seen most of the suggestions for factions. Is that enough? Just saying the reason most people started to play factions was to be in the f top 5... And get that reward. Personally that was my reason also I worked hard everyday to be the number 1 in f top...I do like all the ideas I've seen I really do... But without the top rewards, what do we play for? ''fun''? sure i't's fun to play with 15 people... And have no chance of winning pvp or the koth, because most likely exinfinity and his gang will show up with idk maybe 5 good pvpers. So for all others it will be 5v2? or something like that. And what else is fun? OOH YES raiding! thats great when there are 5 factions which contains one of me and one of exinfinity which base has 100 walls. Not everyone is that great using cannons for that tho. So I what is the reason to play in the way you see it? No offense but.... I do think a reward will motivate people to play. Some people played factions made like a ''survival'' kind of living on factions but got raided, then they leave and won't comeback to factions. They will join survival towny or skyblock but factions will still be dead. I hope you got something amazing for us and the new players. Because otherwise it will be the same 10 people again.
Just think about this.
And remember it isn't personal <3.

Greetings, Vincent
@KelvinZomer // YouTuber / @KelvinZomer @cloakfox
What do you play minecraft for? For that Sweet 500$ paypal reward? Lol.

Anyway I've implemented way more features then just the suggestions ofcourse.
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What do you play minecraft for? For that Sweet 500$ paypal reward? Lol.

Anyway I've implemented way more features then just the suggestions ofcourse.
I don't ask for 500$ I think it motivates players to stay and have a goal to play for. Here Is a another idea for you. Maybe A sort of title for the winners. Ever played mineplex ( no advertising soz ). That kind of title like '' Factions 2018'' or winner factions season 8 ( idk which one ) like something to look foward to. And sure maybe a giftcard max 50$ idk to help the winners get a start next season or to buy their friend a rank upgrade you know. Just the little things
I don't ask for 500$ I think it motivates players to stay and have a goal to play for. Here Is a another idea for you. Maybe A sort of title for the winners. Ever played mineplex ( no advertising soz ). That kind of title like '' Factions 2018'' or winner factions season 8 ( idk which one ) like something to look foward to. And sure maybe a giftcard max 50$ idk to help the winners get a start next season or to buy their friend a rank upgrade you know. Just the little things

Already implemented before you suggested it. Anyway no giftcards or money rewards.
Already implemented before you suggested it. Anyway no giftcards or money rewards.

The tittles. If so. I would hope that me and kelvinzomer win this season receive the title or something.
You don't have to give money but could reward the winners with like some keys? super ,classic koth, etc. Or rankupgrade or ingame $$$$, tokens, mcmmo you know.
The tittles. If so. I would hope that me and kelvinzomer win this season receive the title or something.
You don't have to give money but could reward the winners with like some keys? super ,classic koth, etc. Or rankupgrade or ingame $$$$, tokens, mcmmo you know.
No rewards this season, please stop begging for free **** xd
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I wonder how you want to lure the players back to factions? I've seen most of the suggestions for factions. Is that enough? Just saying the reason most people started to play factions was to be in the f top 5... And get that reward. Personally that was my reason also I worked hard everyday to be the number 1 in f top...I do like all the ideas I've seen I really do... But without the top rewards, what do we play for? ''fun''? sure i't's fun to play with 15 people... And have no chance of winning pvp or the koth, because most likely exinfinity and his gang will show up with idk maybe 5 good pvpers. So for all others it will be 5v2? or something like that. And what else is fun? OOH YES raiding! thats great when there are 5 factions which contains one of me and one of exinfinity which base has 100 walls. Not everyone is that great using cannons for that tho. So I what is the reason to play in the way you see it? No offense but.... I do think a reward will motivate people to play. Some people played factions made like a ''survival'' kind of living on factions but got raided, then they leave and won't comeback to factions. They will join survival towny or skyblock but factions will still be dead. I hope you got something amazing for us and the new players. Because otherwise it will be the same 10 people again.
Just think about this.
And remember it isn't personal <3.

Greetings, Vincent
@KelvinZomer // YouTuber / @KelvinZomer @cloakfox
There was only ever 2 season with f top prizes and one of them was the most dead season ever.
the 2 seasons with f top prizes were ded, so saying that's why people played is just lies
No rewards this season, please stop begging for free ****

We don't beg There were winners with rewards other seasons that made us play this. and the time we acutally manage to get in f top there are no rewards. HOW GREAT! this makes us and my 6 friends really want to play again! Come on cloak, what's reasonable?
There was only ever 2 season with f top prizes and one of them was the most dead season ever.
the 2 seasons with f top prizes were ded, so saying that's why people played is just lies
They stopped playing because all of the damn money spenders ( wasters ) what made it pay to win like you. The smaller players liked to play here too. Till the bigger players like you kill them a thousand times and blow their base up beause they don't have 100 walls like you. If you ask me, That's enough reason to leave and not to come back.
They stopped playing because all of the damn money spenders ( wasters ) what made it pay to win like you. The smaller players liked to play here too. Till the bigger players like you kill them a thousand times and blow their base up beause they don't have 100 walls like you. If you ask me, That's enough reason to leave and not to come back.
1) Why do you think those people will go away
2) I didn't spend that much on those seasons, and even so, why does it matter how much I spend. Oh and btw, on one of those seasons with f top prizes, all the money I spent was from the f top prize.
You're saying that people who spent money ruined the seasons and than asking cloakfox to give out free money lmfao.
And you criticize me for playing factions. If you don't like me tryharding, you're gonna want to kill me after this coming season (:
1) Why do you think those people will go away
2) I didn't spend that much on those seasons, and even so, why does it matter how much I spend. Oh and btw, on one of those seasons with f top prizes, all the money I spent was from the f top prize.
You're saying that people who spent money ruined the seasons and than asking cloakfox to give out free money lmfao.
And you criticize me for playing factions. If you don't like me tryharding, you're gonna want to kill me after this coming season :)
WHO TF gives 500$!!! MAX 50$ is enough tho or just something nice
We. Only. Did. This. For. 2. Seasons. And. Only. One. Of. Them. Was. Alright. So. No. This. Does. Not. Encourage. Players. To. Play. And. Is. Unneeded.
u diccourage players to play because you and ur friend manage to raid every player. Understand we dont use 100 walls ok? They get raided and bam they are gone. In the main time I was online I've helped the newer players making bases, making money etc. so they will stay.
u diccourage players to play because you and ur friend manage to raid every player. Understand we dont use 100 walls ok? They get raided and bam they are gone. In the main time I was online I've helped the newer players making bases, making money etc. so they will stay.
So you're saying that because I raid people, which I am suppose to do on Factions, I am ruining the server?
So we should turn factions into survival and just say no raiding? Is that it?
u diccourage players to play because you and ur friend manage to raid every player. Understand we dont use 100 walls ok? They get raided and bam they are gone. In the main time I was online I've helped the newer players making bases, making money etc. so they will stay.
Raiding is a main part of Factions, if you don’t wanna be raided go to survival or sky block, those are usually the game modes with the most players as well as Creative, yesterday it had 32 players which isn’t much compared to the past when it got around 100 players
Raiding is a main part of Factions, if you don’t wanna be raided go to survival or sky block, those are usually the game modes with the most players as well as Creative, yesterday it had 32 players which isn’t much compared to the past when it got around 100 players
I myself don’t play factions or anything nor do I want to pick a fight, I’m just saying how I see it that’s all
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