Factions reset details! [Factions has reset]

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Mar 7, 2016
Edit: Factions has reset, if you find any bugs feel free to create a bug report!

It's time for a new season of Factions tomorrow and as promised here is the full list of changes.

Constructive feedback is always welcome!

  • Worldborder for overworld set to 10k (from 15k)
  • Disabled entity clearing
  • Added virtual playershops (/pshop &/pshop sell)
  • Added oldskool style auctions (chat based auctions from back in the day)
  • Removed soulbound enchant (added support for our anti-cheat too, should fix random kicks)
  • Added quests that give awesome rewards
  • Pre-generated map
  • Fixed bigger enderchests perk
  • Added /trails for skyfoxes and up
  • Improved scoreboard UI
  • Wild mobs will no longer merge
  • Fixed nicknames not working
  • Made it much harder to level up McMMO skills
  • Added more items to /shop
  • Balanced out /shop
  • Added titles
  • Chests are no longer protected in neutral/enemy territory
  • Possibly fixed bow boosting
  • Added looting enchant @ /warp tokens
  • Updated spawn
  • Fixed mob grinder warp and mobs not spawning
  • Added a virtual casino (Coinflips, Rock paper scissors & Jackpot)
  • Enabled death messages
  • Added ingame leaderboards
  • GenBuckets can no longer be used when a enemy player is near you (100 blocks)
  • Added player health status
  • Factions that are offline will have less protection against tnt (20% less)
  • Removed herobrine
I've also added a factions reset countdown to the server menu in the hub ;)

Hope to see you all online tomorrow @ Factions!

- Cloakfox
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hey just wondering does the world reset ( like if we had bases would we have to rebuild them) also would we have nothing after the reset
Never played factions before... Maybe I should give it a try? Towny is not being played much these days... :/ But I noticed there where some updates, why didn't I heard of that? :confused:
What? No one joins this server anymore! And the few that join only join bcs of skyblock, please stop being a coward and accept it, either you do something to get more people on the server or get rid of the gamemodes that are deserted. And why would someone prefer to go play on Foxcraft instead of hypixel?They don't!because there is nothing better here.I am sorry that i speak like this, but it's high time you did something.
What? No one joins this server anymore! And the few that join only join bcs of skyblock, please stop being a coward and accept it, either you do something to get more people on the server or get rid of the gamemodes that are deserted. And why would someone prefer to go play on Foxcraft instead of hypixel?They don't!because there is nothing better here.I am sorry that i speak like this, but it's high time you did something.
Your comment was very unnecessary the people who play here is because they like it and they like the community I think cloak is doing a very good job with these new upgrades hes been doing but the problem is salty kids like you who go crazy about the player count going down a bit just accept the fact. You are right some people rather play on hypixel but why criticize the players who like fox for their own reasons. If you are saying "do something that will help the server you idiots" that obviously implies that you dont like the server. So why dont you just leave.
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