Factions Magma reset!

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Mar 7, 2016

Just before christmas break I have decided to reset Factions Magma, a lot of players wanted a reset anyway!

Has anything changed? Well only a few tweaks here and there. Oh! and a new spawn!

So what has changed then?
  • Well first of I have nerfed the amount of xp you get from training any mcmmo skills. It should be twice as hard to level up now!
  • Fixed cannons finally, with the help of a factions veteran tested several cannons that were broken. And fixed those.
  • Enabled anti X-ray
  • Fixed stats not saving. (Web end part will be updated later)
  • This factions server is based of 1.8 so less bugs. And 1.8 pvp!
  • Fixed /wild exploit in combat.
  • Increased worldborder from 15k to 20k
  • Everything has reset (Inventories, Enderchests, Playervaults, Factions power, McMMO).
  • Disabled claiming in the nether and end.
All new custom made spawn for Factions Magma:

Thanks for reading and have a wonderfull christmas break!

- Cloakfox
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Thank you for the update/reset! I'm already loving it!
Can't wait for more :D
I am not very happy about this update, saying PV's. I had alot of stuff in my PV's and I do not want to lose them.
Thanks for reset. Having a blast with the new magma, hope to maybe see you on @cloakfox, <3
[doublepost=1482204868,1482204779][/doublepost]I love the bigger world border I think it will add a whole new aspect to raiding
@cloakfox as you have said everything had been reset. But what I mean is that I bought 1k mcmmo and 40 power with in real life money. You can't just reset that. That would be actually stealing money from others... I really would like to get both items back as I sended the transaction codes. If you had told me before magma would reset and the purchased things would be gone. I wouldn't even bought it at all...
So friendly on the forums, I think I saw you say something else ingame..

My 2 cents.
I agree, if i bought a rank and i lost it i would be very mad too! its basically stealing money and not giving back what the person deserves.

Yours sincerely,
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