Hello Foxcrafters!
Today is the day that the new Factions Cove will be released along with the full on reset (in aprox 30 minutes from this post). This means that everything you can think of has been reset. Except for ranks.
Let's start out by saying that the new factions is running on 1.10.2 server software but fully supports the following minecraft versions to connect to it: 1.7.*, 1.8.*, 1.9.* and 1.10.*
But does that mean elytra's and chorus fruit work? Nope I have went ahead and disabled those to keep things fair between the versions, and fix a few glitches. Pvp will also work the same as 1.8 or 1.7, so no slowdowns or waiting!
Everything about faction wars below!
This new factions has another completely new feature that is called Faction Wars, or FoxWars. With this mod you can challange other factions to a fair fight in the arena. You can choose who if you online members you want to fight with you in a fancy gui. Once you enter the arena you are prompted to choose a kit. You will see wich kits you can choose when entering a /f war challange.
How does this /f war arena work? Basicly you challange another faction to a "war" your opponent can then use /f war accept commmand to accept the war invite. After that you can choose wich of your online faction members you want to join the war with, choose wisely.
Once you have done that, you choose a kit (or not), and the match starts. The goal is to kill all enemy players to win. Matches automaticly end after 5 minutes.
Faction wars include statistics, and nice leaderboards too!
We will be adding more different types of matches soon too, you can think of:
Faction world borders:
Overworld: 15k
Nether: 3k
End: 2k
Faction power loss
Another new thing or rather a bug fix, is that you won't lose your faction power when pvping in the pvp zone around spawn. It's rather anoying in my opinion to lose power in the warzone regions.
new /f top
Next big thing is a completely new /f top that is more economy oriented, it takes into account your faction members balances, the amount of spawners in your faction land (worth of those spawners are based on the spawners in /shop) and hoppers. (it updates every 5 minutes)
We have had this customly coded since existing plugins weren't performance friendly enough, and we want to guarantee you a stable 20tps through out the whole day.
Random fixes and additions
For the rest I've went ahead and added small notable things like:
All of these things should add up to a better faction experience, and that has been my goal too. Making the gamemode feel more premium and unique.
You will be able to play the new factions in 30 minutes from this post.
I would also like to announce that @MechPotato, @Dansors and @Baest have been promoted to Admin (Administrator), congratulations!
Also a special thanks to @PickNChew for developing the custom plugins, you will see more work of him soon.
Thanks for reading,
- Cloakfox
Today is the day that the new Factions Cove will be released along with the full on reset (in aprox 30 minutes from this post). This means that everything you can think of has been reset. Except for ranks.
Let's start out by saying that the new factions is running on 1.10.2 server software but fully supports the following minecraft versions to connect to it: 1.7.*, 1.8.*, 1.9.* and 1.10.*
But does that mean elytra's and chorus fruit work? Nope I have went ahead and disabled those to keep things fair between the versions, and fix a few glitches. Pvp will also work the same as 1.8 or 1.7, so no slowdowns or waiting!
Everything about faction wars below!
This new factions has another completely new feature that is called Faction Wars, or FoxWars. With this mod you can challange other factions to a fair fight in the arena. You can choose who if you online members you want to fight with you in a fancy gui. Once you enter the arena you are prompted to choose a kit. You will see wich kits you can choose when entering a /f war challange.
How does this /f war arena work? Basicly you challange another faction to a "war" your opponent can then use /f war accept commmand to accept the war invite. After that you can choose wich of your online faction members you want to join the war with, choose wisely.
Once you have done that, you choose a kit (or not), and the match starts. The goal is to kill all enemy players to win. Matches automaticly end after 5 minutes.
Faction wars include statistics, and nice leaderboards too!
We will be adding more different types of matches soon too, you can think of:
- Blitz - Each player has x lives, after which he can no longer respawn. The team with the last man standing wins.
- King of the Hill - Stand on a hill for X seconds to conquer it. You get X points per second. First team to reach X points wins. If you stand on another team's hill for X seconds you contest it and are then able to conquer it (can not be conquered with players from both teams there)
- Team deathmatch - there's a timer at the end of which the team with the least deaths wins.
- Destoy the core - X obsidian blocks at each base. Each player has a diamond pick. First team to destroy all the other's cores wins. (possibly, change the block to gold/glass after some time)
- Capture the flag - Go to the other team's flags (walk there) and bring them back to your base. First to capture all flags wins
Faction world borders:
Overworld: 15k
Nether: 3k
End: 2k
Faction power loss
Another new thing or rather a bug fix, is that you won't lose your faction power when pvping in the pvp zone around spawn. It's rather anoying in my opinion to lose power in the warzone regions.
new /f top
Next big thing is a completely new /f top that is more economy oriented, it takes into account your faction members balances, the amount of spawners in your faction land (worth of those spawners are based on the spawners in /shop) and hoppers. (it updates every 5 minutes)
We have had this customly coded since existing plugins weren't performance friendly enough, and we want to guarantee you a stable 20tps through out the whole day.
Random fixes and additions
For the rest I've went ahead and added small notable things like:
- A new crates system that allows you to view the crate rewards by just clicking the crates.
- Another small feature is a ping display on tab, so you will always know when you have a bad connection to the server.
- A few anti x-ray tweaks have been implemented too, for obvious reasons.
- A tweak so that when you log out in enemy territory you will be send to spawn when logging back in.
- Removed /god
- Full 1.7 support!
- Disabled hopper crafting, they can only be bought in the /shop (they also add up in your faction land worth)
All of these things should add up to a better faction experience, and that has been my goal too. Making the gamemode feel more premium and unique.
You will be able to play the new factions in 30 minutes from this post.
I would also like to announce that @MechPotato, @Dansors and @Baest have been promoted to Admin (Administrator), congratulations!
Also a special thanks to @PickNChew for developing the custom plugins, you will see more work of him soon.
Thanks for reading,
- Cloakfox
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