Factions Changelog

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Mar 7, 2016
North Korea
Hi so around every reset I make a forum post where I suggest a lot of fixes and changes I think should be added to factions. So here is the new one for the first reset of 2019

Factions Claims
A big problem with factions has been the lack of raids. There are still people that play, and bases to raid, yet there never seems to be any action. That's why I believe there needs to be a way to see the coordinates of a Factions claims. Fox could add a plugin that forces a factions claims to all be connected, and than implement a system by which all players can see just one claimed chunk of that faction.
A fun thing to do would be to code a plugin where in order to see a factions claims you must be a certain amount of money, and this amount of money can be increased by a faction. So if I wanted to make people have to pay more, I could use $2,000,000 to raise the amount so that people would have to pay $2,000,000 more to see it. If anyone is confused by what I mean say so because I think this would be a very neat feature.

Faction missions
I've suggested this so many times in the past. There are probably some very cool plugins out there for this. Basically f missions are challenges that your faction can complete in order to get perks.
For instance,
Getting x amount of kills will give the entire faction permanent Strength II
Getting x f top value will give you a factions chest
For x amount of money (make it big, like in the millions) for so and so
Would be a good way to make players player more
Archon had quests back in Summer of 2017 and it seemed fun. Would be cool to gain rewards (like money, creeper eggs, spawners, god apples...) for doing basic things like killing people, placing blocks, certain f top value, or even having the dragon egg.

Add back KoTH, maybe twice or 3 times a week (2 times on Saturday, 1 on Sunday?) This would be beneficial in that all regions, EU & NA, would have convenient times to fight for the KoTH.

Commands in combat:
Often times there are problems with certain commands not working in combat so all of the following commands should be enabled in combat:
*/fix & /fix hand
*/fix all
*/ct (combat tag)
*/feed & /eat

Water should protect blocks like it used to, lava should remain how it is.
Also double the price of all gen buckets so that they're more of a luxury.

1. Money pouches (give you a random amount of money, could be from $100K-$500K or $500K-$1M+)
2. Higher monetary rewards ($25K from a crate key on the first day of Factions is still trash, people get 2 or 3 IGS on the first day, meaning they make millions of dollars already, meaning they've made millions of dollars within 24 hours of Factions, rendering the small amount of money you can win from keys useless).
3. Make spawners less rare. IGS/Blaze should be 20%-30%
4. Add God apples
5. Add MCMMO
6. Possibly custom enchants (either books or enchanted gear, Archon did something like this in 2017 and it seemed nifty).
If the crate rewards are more OP, more players will be able to attain a higher level of future, meaning that the server should (in theory) be more balanced.

Mob Bosses
Mob bosses are popular on CosmicPvP, especially back in 2016/17.
Basically these are overpowered mobs that have gear and weapons. Your job is to kill them before they kill you. Upon killing them, you receive rewards. Maybe we could implement a system on Fox. where you can buy these mobs and win prizes like custom enchanted gear, crate keys, and more (you could also add them to crates).
Now these actually have to be OP, like hard to kill in full custom enchanted Protection IV gear, with a couple people. Hard to kill like making the ender dragon look easy hard to kill.
They should reward you with money, god apples, gear, XP, and more.

Webstore additions
*Trench Pickaxe (a pickaxe that mines in a 10x10 (or so) area, very OP, EXTREMELY useful for base building)

That's all. Feel free to leave your own opinions and comments down below
1. Money pouches (give you a random amount of money, could be from $100K-$500K or $500K-$1M+)
2. Higher monetary rewards ($25K from a crate key on the first day of Factions is still trash, people get 2 or 3 IGS on the first day, meaning they make millions of dollars already, meaning they've made millions of dollars within 24 hours of Factions, rendering the small amount of money you can win from keys useless).
3. Make spawners less rare. IGS/Blaze should be 20%-30%
4. Add God apples
5. Add MCMMO
6. Possibly custom enchants (either books or enchanted gear, Archon did something like this in 2017 and it seemed nifty).
If the crate rewards are more OP, more players will be able to attain a higher level of future, meaning that the server should (in theory) be more balanced.
These are crate adds/changes btw
1. Money pouches (give you a random amount of money, could be from $100K-$500K or $500K-$1M+)
2. Higher monetary rewards ($25K from a crate key on the first day of Factions is still trash, people get 2 or 3 IGS on the first day, meaning they make millions of dollars already, meaning they've made millions of dollars within 24 hours of Factions, rendering the small amount of money you can win from keys useless).
3. Make spawners less rare. IGS/Blaze should be 20%-30%
4. Add God apples
5. Add MCMMO
6. Possibly custom enchants (either books or enchanted gear, Archon did something like this in 2017 and it seemed nifty).
If the crate rewards are more OP, more players will be able to attain a higher level of future, meaning that the server should (in theory) be more balanced.
These are crate adds/changes btw
What do you think of this: https://wiki.songoda.com/display/SON/Kingdoms

You can try it out here: test.mcfoxcraft.net

/k info
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What do you think of this: https://wiki.songoda.com/display/SON/Kingdoms

You can try it out here: test.mcfoxcraft.net

/k info
Its interesting
you should remove /k invade because it sounds kind of op
Also you can only claim one piece of land at a time, instead of being able to claim a radius (like /f claim 4)
Also there should be a max amount of resource points or claimed land you can have
Other than that, it seems like a decent plugin
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