Faction Recruitment : Oblivion

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Oct 22, 2017
What is your power? (Like if you have bought any extra) :
What could you bring to the faction? :
Do you have a rank? (If so what is it) :
How old are you? (DM if you don't want to share) :
Skype/Discord (DM if you don't want to share) :
How long have you played Foxcraft? :
How long have you played Factions? :
How good at pvp are you? ( -/10)
How good of a builder are you? ( -/10)
What is your current Balance? :
How active are you? :
How long are you on each day? :
What are some Valuable items you have? :
Are you good? :
Why do you want in? :

Ok, Please no troll applications and we Gucci
:D Love yall (No ****) Don't inside me I know what you're thinking...

~xHypeZ I'm out :D
IGN : SprinkieDink
What is your power? (Like if you have bought any extra) : 69
What could you bring to the faction? : Literally just one single potato and 5 pieces of cobblestone
Do you have a rank? (If so what is it) : FoxKing
How old are you? (DM if you don't want to share) : 15
Skype/Discord (DM if you don't want to share) : uhhhhhh lemme get a burger with a large coke
How long have you played Foxcraft? : 4+ years
How long have you played Factions? : 4+ years
How good at pvp are you? ( -/10) 8
How good of a builder are you? ( -/10) 7
What is your current Balance? : roughly double your entire faction's value
How active are you? : currently i have been on 5+ hrs a day
How long are you on each day? : just answered that
What are some Valuable items you have? : well my pv 8 is worth more than your entire faction so probably alot
Are you good? : not even in the slightest
Why do you want in? : i dont wtf?
IGN : bajancanadian
What is your power? (Like if you have bought any extra) : 2+2=4-1
What could you bring to the faction? : diamonds
Do you have a rank? (If so what is it) : co-ower/senior admin
How old are you? (DM if you don't want to share) : 12
Skype/Discord (DM if you don't want to share) : 12
How long have you played Foxcraft? : 2003
How long have you played Factions? : 1989
How good at pvp are you? ( -/10) 1.3
How good of a builder are you? ( -/10) 1.4
What is your current Balance? : i dont know
How active are you? : i play fraction every day
How long are you on each day? : every day
What are some Valuable items you have? : i have diamond and sword
Are you good? : yes
Why do you want in? : because it would be cool.
IGN : Toastynesss
What is your power? (Like if you have bought any extra) : 0
What could you bring to the faction? : love and happiness
Do you have a rank? (If so what is it) : foxking on survival but member on factions
How old are you? (DM if you don't want to share) : 15
Skype/Discord (DM if you don't want to share) : ToasterOfBread#7838
How long have you played Foxcraft? : like 5 months
How long have you played Factions? : like 10 minutes
How good at pvp are you? ( -/10) 6(1.8)
How good of a builder are you? ( -/10) 5
What is your current Balance? : like 0
How active are you? : barely play factions
How long are you on each day? : 0
What are some Valuable items you have? : iron hoe
Are you good? : no
Why do you want in? : I don’t
IGN : says 10/10 to most games
What is your power? (Like if you have bought any extra) : i'd say over 9000 but i have more self respect
What could you bring to the faction? : many many cantaloupes
Do you have a rank? (If so what is it) : member
How old are you? (DM if you don't want to share) : old enough to know better
Skype/Discord (DM if you don't want to share) : yep
How long have you played Foxcraft? : since @cloakfox was born
How long have you played Factions? : since I was born
How good at pvp are you? ( -/10) i would be great if i tried
How good of a builder are you? ( -/10) dunno
What is your current Balance? : M O N E Y
How active are you? : yes
How long are you on each day? : about 5 seconds maximum
What are some Valuable items you have? : my various expired memes
Are you good? : no, i'm a bad boy ;)
Why do you want in? : yeah sure
IGN : planecool
What is your power? (Like if you have bought any extra) : normal
What could you bring to the faction? : 32mil balance, and a stack of igs
Do you have a rank? (If so what is it) : foxking
How old are you? (DM if you don't want to share) : 12
Skype/Discord (DM if you don't want to share) : planecool is my discord, find me in the fox dc
How long have you played Foxcraft? : long enough
How long have you played Factions? : even longer
How good at pvp are you? ( -/10) yes
How good of a builder are you? ( -/10) base building boss
What is your current Balance? : /baltop
How active are you? : decently
How long are you on each day? : idk
What are some Valuable items you have? : best sht in the game lol
Are you good? : very
Why do you want in? : i dont have a fac lol

Ok, Please no troll applications and we Gucci
:D Love yall (No ****) Don't inside me I know what you're thinking...
IGN : Diabetus_Fetus
What is your power? (Like if you have bought any extra) : 2 plus 2 is 4 minus 1 that's 3
What could you bring to the faction? : quick maths
Do you have a rank? (If so what is it) : fucksking
How old are you? (DM if you don't want to share) : 6
Skype/Discord (DM if you don't want to share) : no thx don't stalk me
How long have you played Foxcraft? : I don't play Foxcraft, I play Foxcraft
How long have you played Factions? : since 1945
How good at pvp are you? ( -/10) 0.69
How good of a builder are you? ( -/10) 0.69
What is your current Balance? : no, you're going to rob me
How active are you? : not enough
How long are you on each day? : too much but not enough
What are some Valuable items you have? : massive diarrhea
Are you good? : yes

At quick maths

Why do you want in? : I want to show you my diarrhea
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