Lmao, I'm just proving a point no need to be triggered I was talking to josh and you got involved ..*Claps* I'll send a cookie to your house Papi
Lmao, I'm just proving a point no need to be triggered I was talking to josh and you got involved ..*Claps* I'll send a cookie to your house Papi
Since when did I get triggered lol I'm just bantering with youLmao, I'm just proving a point no need to be triggered I was talking to josh and you got involved ..
Bruh, your starting on me bc I got on to Josh like .. It's ok ..Since when did I get triggered lol I'm just bantering with you
*Shrugs* Believe what ya want PapiBruh, your starting on me bc I got on to Josh like .. It's ok ..
Don't know if you really have the right to make fun of my pic when it looks like you've used 1000 filters :/
Redex I ain't seen you lolDon't know if you really have the right to make fun of my pic when it looks like you've used 1000 filters :/
Somehow you make everyone triggered in every thread you post in...Lmao, I'm just proving a point no need to be triggered I was talking to josh and you got involved ..
Redex_ was an old staff member who turned to the sweaty badlion tryhard side...Redex I ain't seen you lol
noh I resigned Badlion staff like 3 months ago mate: (https://www.badlion.net/profile/user/Redex_)Somehow you make everyone triggered in every thread you post in...
Redex_ was an old staff member who turned to the sweaty badlion tryhard side...
wowoowoow nobody ever updates me on anything .-.noh I resigned Badlion staff like 3 months ago mate: (https://www.badlion.net/profile/user/Redex_)
My bad mate I didn't mean it seriously but it was rude, so please accept my apologyDon't know if you really have the right to make fun of my pic when it looks like you've used 1000 filters :/
bad*Everyone looks diffrent and good in diffrent views let's not be rude
Everyone is beautiful ^-^Everyone looks diffrent and good in diffrent views let's not be rude
No one was being rude besides me and I apologized. It's really okay mate.Everyone looks diffrent and good in diffrent views let's not be rude
*Rolls eyes* wtv "Mumma" if you prefer to be sexually identified as a women, not that anything is wrong with thatI AINT YO PAPI @TotalMM IZ BOI GET MUTED
tf is wrong with you im sexually identified as a toaster omfg r00000000d lil ferret face.*Rolls eyes* wtv "Mumma" if you prefer to be sexually identified as a women, not that anything is wrong with that