Establishment of Anathryx - Looking for Builders/Colonists

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Mar 7, 2016
A recent colony rebellion has been put to rest with the colony leader attempting to divert away from Empire rule. (for the most part) with the complete take over of the settlement and it has been renamed to Anathryx.
The colonist who decided to attempt to become an independent state, by tearing down Empire banners, insulting Ares (what the hell), Empire, removing all Empire permissions to the settlement, and evacuating all valuables and looting of the crops was slain with his head displayed on a pedestal in the colony town centre, re-establishing Empire law and order in the colony.
How dare he try to fight against a "democratic", "peace bringing society"? Democracy prevails.
Thinks he can push around the hard working players of Survival? By not working like a real man in the mines and forests for Empire? Who does he think he is?

After the colony was claimed by myself, I began teleporting some Empire members to help regenerate the colony, replanting plantless cropfields to feed the poor, fixing broken windows, re-securing the colony's walls and replacing the destroyed Empire banners. Also had the former colonist leader construct a tower-fortress and various new houses as an apology to Empire and all the socialist supporters of Empire.

I am looking for people who may want to move into the colony, build a home and live in a community. I have already allowed people to begin settling here.
Anathryx as of now:
The Governor of Former Londibrita's head displayed in the centre of the town. As a warning to the mortals who try to resist Empire colonisation and "enforcement" of "democracy". *Gangnam style lmao*
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