Escape Event
Hey everyone,
I'm very happy to finally announce our Escape event!
The map will open on Sunday, July 16th @ 7pm CET on /parkour and will continue to run until the first 3 people finish.
How does it work?
When the map opens everyone will start at level 1. Problem solve through parkour and puzzles in order to find your way to the next level. There are a total of 14 levels - the first 3 people to reach the end wins! Make sure not to skip any checkpoints as these will be your proof of completion. More info will be provided before the event begins!
Please use Minecraft versions 1.19+, earlier versions will not work!
1st Place: €20 Foxcraft store giftcard and an in-game item trophy on one gamemode.
2nd Place: €15 Foxcraft store giftcard and an in-game item trophy on one gamemode.
3rd Place: €10 Foxcraft store giftcard and an in-game item trophy on one gamemode.
I'd also like to say a HUUUUGE thank you to the people who have contributed to this event:
Map building & event assistance - @Deannn
Map builders - @LLianaax @NESQUEK @Shafiq
As well as all the other staff who have helped to test the maps and will help with running the event.
None of this would've been possible without you guys!
Hope to see you all at the event for some
