Wassup Foxlings.
Yes as the thread title says. This is done while drunk on 27 standard drinks of ginger beer mixed with bundaburg rum.
Do not be alerted moderators and other staff.
I have been thinking alot and this is probably not the place to post this but forgive me as i am to drunk to care about the posting area just yet.
Prison: It is a great server with alot of fun but still is missing a few little details to help bounce the player charts. Suggestions i have are simple for this. I think setting weekly challanges that allow people to win tokens, money and other well deserved prizes would be a great idea for the server. Things like a maze or heavy parkour. Even a block mine challange would be great to bring more interest and fun to the prison server.
OP-Prison: I use to be a fan of this but now it seems to dwindle on the fun side and is full of kids who just cant stop begging. I was thinking that to improve maybe we should set up a party mine area for all to access on a regular basis which is a 24x24 square of atleast 30 deep of the most expensive ores to help with money gain and to bring more competativness to the server itself. (Also please hurry with the donor mines. I miss them and see regular complaints about it when i am on.
Skyblock: I absolutly love the skyblock setup and find it way fun for the time that i do play. Though it is missing something to give it a kick. I suggest bringing a larger more intrecate shop for the players to choose from and also fix basic redstone clocks to allow for machenical mines for people who manage to build up enough resources to make it that far. other than that i love the server so great job.
Factions: These are already so great and i cant wait to be getting into it again. I do ask that shop be made more detailed and things slightly harder to get as it seems to be to easy to gain gear and become way to op even as a simple member without a rank.
Creative: The system itself is smooth and i love it greatly but i have a request and a simple one at that. Fix redstone so that clocks can be used but only allow for safe emounts to be manufactured because i know alot of people enjoy creating redstone contraptions but in saying that i undwerstand why these things have been patched and what not.
Kitpvp: i suggest a multimap setup that allows for players to choose where they want to pvp allowing for larger range of more intrecate designed maps to bring more players to the challange to see who can conpuer the maps like king of the hill or capture the flag.
For hubs i believe it needs to be designed slightly better. Not in the actual hub design but in the setout. A ibelieve a multihub setup will allow for more logins without problems as i have tried to log in before and often get hit with the message (Kicked while connecting to hub due to to many players connecting) It becomes agrovating and i know some may even loose patients over this.
For staff i believe you guys should be more interactive with the players in general as you need to remember that alot of your players are under 15 and i have noticed alot bringing questions to the table to often not understanding without reply from staff. Also i have noticed a major increase in chat filter evasion which allowxs for alot of swearing and bullying within servers which ruins players fun. especially the ones wanting to actually have a good time. if this cant be fixed then i suggest creating a age barrier that stops kids under 15 from playing because this is getting out of hand.
On a good note i will say this. Cloak fox. over the past 4 years i have seen this server grow majorly and i dont give a damn how people see you. You have made this server more enjoyable then i thought and i am proud to play within the world you have designed with your team.
Special shoutout for c20zerk. You are a trooper mate. Keep up the good work. Its great to see muture teenagers actually trying to make this a much better experience for all players.
Peace my fellow foxlings.
Yes as the thread title says. This is done while drunk on 27 standard drinks of ginger beer mixed with bundaburg rum.
Do not be alerted moderators and other staff.
I have been thinking alot and this is probably not the place to post this but forgive me as i am to drunk to care about the posting area just yet.
Prison: It is a great server with alot of fun but still is missing a few little details to help bounce the player charts. Suggestions i have are simple for this. I think setting weekly challanges that allow people to win tokens, money and other well deserved prizes would be a great idea for the server. Things like a maze or heavy parkour. Even a block mine challange would be great to bring more interest and fun to the prison server.
OP-Prison: I use to be a fan of this but now it seems to dwindle on the fun side and is full of kids who just cant stop begging. I was thinking that to improve maybe we should set up a party mine area for all to access on a regular basis which is a 24x24 square of atleast 30 deep of the most expensive ores to help with money gain and to bring more competativness to the server itself. (Also please hurry with the donor mines. I miss them and see regular complaints about it when i am on.
Skyblock: I absolutly love the skyblock setup and find it way fun for the time that i do play. Though it is missing something to give it a kick. I suggest bringing a larger more intrecate shop for the players to choose from and also fix basic redstone clocks to allow for machenical mines for people who manage to build up enough resources to make it that far. other than that i love the server so great job.
Factions: These are already so great and i cant wait to be getting into it again. I do ask that shop be made more detailed and things slightly harder to get as it seems to be to easy to gain gear and become way to op even as a simple member without a rank.
Creative: The system itself is smooth and i love it greatly but i have a request and a simple one at that. Fix redstone so that clocks can be used but only allow for safe emounts to be manufactured because i know alot of people enjoy creating redstone contraptions but in saying that i undwerstand why these things have been patched and what not.
Kitpvp: i suggest a multimap setup that allows for players to choose where they want to pvp allowing for larger range of more intrecate designed maps to bring more players to the challange to see who can conpuer the maps like king of the hill or capture the flag.
For hubs i believe it needs to be designed slightly better. Not in the actual hub design but in the setout. A ibelieve a multihub setup will allow for more logins without problems as i have tried to log in before and often get hit with the message (Kicked while connecting to hub due to to many players connecting) It becomes agrovating and i know some may even loose patients over this.
For staff i believe you guys should be more interactive with the players in general as you need to remember that alot of your players are under 15 and i have noticed alot bringing questions to the table to often not understanding without reply from staff. Also i have noticed a major increase in chat filter evasion which allowxs for alot of swearing and bullying within servers which ruins players fun. especially the ones wanting to actually have a good time. if this cant be fixed then i suggest creating a age barrier that stops kids under 15 from playing because this is getting out of hand.
On a good note i will say this. Cloak fox. over the past 4 years i have seen this server grow majorly and i dont give a damn how people see you. You have made this server more enjoyable then i thought and i am proud to play within the world you have designed with your team.
Special shoutout for c20zerk. You are a trooper mate. Keep up the good work. Its great to see muture teenagers actually trying to make this a much better experience for all players.
Peace my fellow foxlings.