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New Member
Aug 1, 2018

In towny, as I am sure it has received many complaints, there are players on the server who feel the need to ruin it for other players. Going through and being toxic, harassing new players and grieving existing ones. Going through and bullying them and provoking negative reaction instead of a more positive attitude that should come with the server. These types of players absolutely ruin the game for anyone else playing, and the sad thing is, most staff won't do a thing about it. They simply let them continue to act negatively instead of going through and acting as staff and taking charge of the situation. The lack of staffing and the players that know this and use it to their advantage is sickening, and honestly drives many people away from the server while just playing for only a few minutes. Something needs to change in order for the server to remain healthy and it hurts to see such a good server have such negativity from toxic players.

In towny, as I am sure it has received many complaints, there are players on the server who feel the need to ruin it for other players. Going through and being toxic, harassing new players and grieving existing ones. Going through and bullying them and provoking negative reaction instead of a more positive attitude that should come with the server. These types of players absolutely ruin the game for anyone else playing, and the sad thing is, most staff won't do a thing about it. They simply let them continue to act negatively instead of going through and acting as staff and taking charge of the situation. The lack of staffing and the players that know this and use it to their advantage is sickening, and honestly drives many people away from the server while just playing for only a few minutes. Something needs to change in order for the server to remain healthy and it hurts to see such a good server have such negativity from toxic players.
lmao it's not against rules to simply be toxic or negative, or even bully. don't be a cuck and suck it up.
or turn off your chat.
just because your a sheltered **** doesn't mean you have to ruin it for everyone. god I hate 12 year olds
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In towny, as I am sure it has received many complaints, there are players on the server who feel the need to ruin it for other players. Going through and being toxic, harassing new players and grieving existing ones. Going through and bullying them and provoking negative reaction instead of a more positive attitude that should come with the server. These types of players absolutely ruin the game for anyone else playing, and the sad thing is, most staff won't do a thing about it. They simply let them continue to act negatively instead of going through and acting as staff and taking charge of the situation. The lack of staffing and the players that know this and use it to their advantage is sickening, and honestly drives many people away from the server while just playing for only a few minutes. Something needs to change in order for the server to remain healthy and it hurts to see such a good server have such negativity from toxic players.
I mean, I agree with bullying not being needed but as @ExInfinity had said- it's not against the rules and if you don't wanna hear their bs do /ignore {Username}
in my opinion no nobody wants the negativity. not only does it ruin players moods to the ones who do not use /ignore, it also gives the server a bad reputation to the new players who are just joining. also the bullying and toxicity leads to bad players. lets say i bully someone, they might shout out a death comment or something. now the innocent one is being muted for something i caused. instead of muting the person who said the wrong words. they should look into stopping me so i dont cause it multiple times. bottom of the line bullying and harrassing leads to negativity. negativity leads to less fun, less chance of a donation, less people wanting to play and so on. of course you could easily ./ignore someone but chances are that person will start again with someone else and the problem is not fixed.
in my opinion no nobody wants the negativity. not only does it ruin players moods to the ones who do not use /ignore, it also gives the server a bad reputation to the new players who are just joining. also the bullying and toxicity leads to bad players. lets say i bully someone, they might shout out a death comment or something. now the innocent one is being muted for something i caused. instead of muting the person who said the wrong words. they should look into stopping me so i dont cause it multiple times. bottom of the line bullying and harrassing leads to negativity. negativity leads to less fun, less chance of a donation, less people wanting to play and so on. of course you could easily ./ignore someone but chances are that person will start again with someone else and the problem is not fixed.
Of course but not once have I seen anyone muted for "Hurting Someone's Feelings" so :P
It's not a big deal
That is true no one has been muted for "Hurting someone's feelings" personally,, id rather just avoid negativity though because it does lead to worse situations.
toxic players will always exist on this server, or on any server Punishing them will just motivate them to be more disrespectful and make situations worse. i say just ignore em and take comments with a grain of salt.

Oh and also #Positivevibes
toxic players will always exist on this server, or on any server Punishing them will just motivate them to be more disrespectful and make situations worse. i say just ignore em and take comments with a grain of salt.

Oh and also #Positivevibes
Punishing them is a 50/50 either it'll put them in their place or it will make them be worse. chances are. punishing them will fix the situation because either they stopped or they cannot speak/get banned.
Respect All Users
Everyone playing is a human, please treat each other respectfully. Please be mindful of your communication, and respectful to others. We will not tolerate the following:
  • Toxicity
  • General discrimination
  • Offensive remarks
  • Provocative communication
  • Harassment
Sensible, well thought-out speech will make everyone’s day a lot better. Please remember that the server is a public service, and there are plenty of players who are similar to you on the other side of the screen.
Thats in the rules, you can check aswell.
Punishing them is a 50/50 either it'll put them in their place or it will make them be worse. chances are. punishing them will fix the situation because either they stopped or they cannot speak/get banned.
Yep they'll get muted/banned for an hour or two, but that wont fix the situation if anything it makes it worse
ye sure lets say they get perm muted, they'll have alts, or msg them on different social media platforms and continue to just spam and annoy them, trying to fix the problem is only causing it
on the topic of "Something needs to change in order for the server to remain healthy" what do you suggest to remove toxic people? ignoring them will stop a person from being harrassed/bullied but it does not remove the toxic person in general?
A little addition. As @AmericanPsycho_ already mentioned :

"Respect All Users
Everyone playing is a human, please treat each other respectfully. Please be mindful of your communication, and respectful to others. We will not tolerate the following:
  • Toxicity
  • General discrimination
  • Offensive remarks
  • Provocative communication
  • Harassment
Sensible, well thought-out speech will make everyone’s day a lot better. Please remember that the server is a public service, and there are plenty of players who are similar to you on the other side of the screen."

So to those who wish to call me a sheltered *** or a super sensitive 12 year old. News flash, I am neither of those things. P.s., guess who has many years of server staffing behind them? I have a good idea of how to read and subsequently follow rules, and those rules very clearly state no tolerance for toxicity, harassment and others. It is in plain writing that can be accessed by anyone and is actually probably one of the better rule sets I have seen a server follow by.

I made the point very clear that there were obvious rule breakers, and I made the point that it should be handled more appropriately. I stand by my statements as well as a general populus of the server that would agree. Rules exist for a reason and if you are unfamilliar please do yourself, and the server, a favor by reading through them.

An addition to those who say that punishing them won't accomplish anything... If a server's staff does their jobs correctly, the players who continue to break the rules will eventually learn through either:
A) Mutes that are almost continuous die to constant breaking of rules
B) Bans that restrict their playtime and will make them rather frustrated at their own actions
C) Punishments a little more permanant with little/no chance of being lifted (i.e. PermaMute/PermaBan)

So to say people will just use it to fuel themselves is an utter lie, since staff has the power to act accordingly in the situation and deter them from the behaviors they continue on the server.
The issue with towny is that helpers don’t have many perms so we can’t /v so when the toxic players see use they shut up, but to stop them means we have to stay there constantly to stop them and that’s not always possible as there not a lot of staff online all the time and we have other things to deal with like dealing with cheaters and toxicity in other game modes. The best thing you can do is report the players on the forums.
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