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Mar 7, 2016
Hello everyone, today I have decided it is time to reveal the true story about my father, or our current Helper TotalMM.

His true age is 69, and He works at McDonalds which is owned by Donald trump, and has hideous red warts on the bottom of his chin and side of his nose. He murdered my Mother when I was young, and turned into an alcoholic. He smashed the knife he used to kill my mother, and wears one of the shattered blades around his neck as a necklace, unwashed so it reveals her dried up blood. He now lives in a cave surrounded by dead dry trees and drives around in a beat up motorcycle. Beware.

This is a joke don't take it seriously, but the warts are true.
Odd this was the thread you decided to make after your suspension. Lol
How? You seriously seem like you just want ratings.
Ye all I want is ratings, please everybody reading this rate it thanks (cause I really care about ratings and message count omg).

On the other note, this is the same story as krosi, but then her being alain's mom so I thought it'd be funny to mention her in this thread, but some can sadly not take a joke. That sucks
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