Dear Julia,

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This is cringier than ASMR.
This is cringier than Jacob Satorious or whatever the **** that kids name is.
This is cringier than a 90 year old lady saying "its lit" in the middle of the super market.
This is cringier than the super senior in my first period doing a ******* shoe puppet show. (Yes. That actually happened).
This is cringier than some kid getting in a fight at school and legit trying to RKO the other dude. (Also actually happened.)
I cringed so hard that my neck had a small spasm.
*breathe in*
Welcome to TotalMM tutorials, today, we teach you how to send a pm.
Here's what you do, open your mail area and click the "start new conversation" button on the top right of your screen.
Then once you are there, select the participants and then type your message, they should receive a mail notification and will be able to read your message.
Hope this helps anyone with messages.
- TotalMM
Welcome to TotalMM tutorials, today, we teach you how to send a pm.
Here's what you do, open your mail area and click the "start new conversation" button on the top right of your screen.
View attachment 2665
Then once you are there, select the participants and then type your message, they should receive a mail notification and will be able to read your message.
View attachment 2666
Hope this helps anyone with messages.
- TotalMM
Sorry wrong section this goes in the suggestion area
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Welcome to TotalMM tutorials, today, we teach you how to send a pm.
Here's what you do, open your mail area and click the "start new conversation" button on the top right of your screen.
View attachment 2665
Then once you are there, select the participants and then type your message, they should receive a mail notification and will be able to read your message.
View attachment 2666
Hope this helps anyone with messages.
- TotalMM

XDDDD savage Total. Guess this does make you daddy XDD
Now that Julia has seen this;

This was all a joke, I lost a bet with @MissHussy_xo
I had to declare my love for someone on the forums and it was Julia

So yeah. And if I were to do this I would take it to PMs instead of a public thread. Don't worry everyone xD

Shoutout to Julia for handling this well ;p
Now that Julia has seen this;

This was all a joke, I lost a bet with @MissHussy_xo
I had to declare my love for someone on the forums and it was Julia

So yeah. And if I were to do this I would take it to PMs instead of a public thread. Don't worry everyone xD

Shoutout to Julia for handling this well ;p
So what, just attention seeking?
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