Dat Iron golem spawner hype.

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Mar 18, 2016
The new update introduces the command "/silkspawner change mob" and though I cannot view the list of things you can change the spawners too, I bet it may include everything but the enderdragon. I am positive however that iron golems are on this list...


Back to a serious note though, most players earn there money by selling cooked pork for $4.5 each where as iron sells in vip for $18 each... and each iron golem drops 3-5 ingots...
Perhaps I am freaking out for nothing as affixes said "Something like this (iron golem spawners) will be added in a future update." earlier but I think this is a major market breaker.

If you do not decide to change the sign though.... guess I'mma make my entire island into a iron golem farm... >.>
..... pool party anyone? ;)
I think it's alright because you can't sell them in bulk which means you have to take more time to sell the iron which not a lot players like unless they are patient.
I think it's alright because you can't sell them in bulk which means you have to take more time to sell the iron which not a lot players like unless they are patient.
Sell 64 signs need to be added then. Why make someone go through all that trouble?
Sell 64 signs need to be added then. Why make someone go through all that trouble?
No it shouldn't be added because then players can easily sell a ton of iron which is not fair because they are worth so much. If they nerf the price maybe you should be able to sell it in bulk. (My opinion)
No it shouldn't be added because then players can easily sell a ton of iron which is not fair because they are worth so much. If they nerf the price maybe you should be able to sell it in bulk. (My opinion)
They will do it anyway. Why waste their time?
I think you are mistaken Jaywiz. Often when I go to sell my iron, or back when I sold my pork, there was someone else there selling some of their own. It's pretty common practice cause its so easy. Only thing I actually dislike about it is the chat spam from each amount sold.
Not a lot of players would waste their time to sell the iron, which is good because it sells for a really good price. Time = Money
Why even have a grinder if you won't sell your iron? Efficiency=Enjoyment of game :D
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