Claiming Timer

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New Member
Mar 19, 2017
The Netherlands
Hey my name is Aim for Ais you can call me Aim,

anyways I like the claiming system it's good to have but there is one problem well a very big problem

"claim your land, protect what's yours" that says to me that it could be claimed by "you"
but unfortunately,

let me give you an example

there is a player called "Claim" and has claimed a specific block and it's in your building way
that player "Claim" hasn't been online for like ages. so the claim will be there forever unless he has unclaimed it so in short what I want to tell you is that if you have over 9000+ players/max-claims and they won't be Online for ages or never.
That would mean for the "new players"
they will need to travel very far or use the command /wild

but also the whole area is full of claims and so the "new player" can't build anymore.

so what I suggest to the moderators/servers

is called a "Claim Timer" this specific claim timer

let me explain when you claim an area, you will have a specific timer that's 30 days or less (mostly like a whole month) you will have a list

that's like /claims area : you will get a list with how you named it
or area's blocks if you didn't name the claim you will get a random number or code like

Type /Claim area
claim: spawner
claim: home
claim: storage
claim: (no name) this will be claim: X789Y67Z89 type that number in and you will spawn in that claim area

when the timer is almost on its end you will get a notification in your Minecraft mail or your personal Email this will be in how you would have the reminder for the claim

Claim: Spawner 30 days left
Claim: home 20 days left
Claim storage 2 days left (you will get a notification that depends on "you" when you will be reminded"
if it is a week before or a day or 1 hours etc. you get the point

so the mail go as follows

Email/ Minecraft mail
your claim will be lost if you don't come on
please consider to come on the server and "claim whats yours"

{server name} and they thank you
for joining their server etc.
(end of mail)

and I probably know this is gonna be a hard job for the server/moderators I hope it isn't to much effort to
plug this in

also I don't quite understand mods, plugins etc because I'm still new on MC PC version so yeah sorry
if I got it wrong

sorry for the bad grammar. Be free to correct me

Thank you for reading and have a good time building
Aim out
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