Christmas // Festive Events

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Hi everyone, hope you all enjoyed Christmas this year.
You are all puzzle freaks! I knew this one would be hard but you are persistent,
and a lot of you managed to make it through Rudolph’s Escape.
The five random winners from the prize pool are:
  1. @RingoFett13
  2. @SoulsPotatoes
  3. @Duckie
  4. @_shiimy
  5. @koningsil
The winners received a private message (on the platform they contacted me).
Thank you all so much for puzzling and parkouring, building and fighting (lol) this Christmas.
We were glad you enjoyed our Christmas events. Don’t forget to shoot some fireworks in the main hub, on the 31st of December!

I am looking forward to next year, and I hope you do too!

Kind regards,
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