Since it's about that time to get in the Christmas spirit, I am revisiting the Christmas build I made last year. Can't believe it's already been a year.
Last year, the build wasn't open to the public to come inside the gingerbread house or the mansion. This time around, I am going to open both of the buildings and redecorate them. There will be small shops in both buildings. Obviously, holiday-related items will be in the shops. Maybe some enchanted armor and tools with cool names too, not sure yet.
Going to try to finish the updates to the Christmas build this week and change my current warp to this Location until January 2021.
Thanks again for reading, I've attached the original post under this one

Original Post

I build a Christmas build on my claim, across from @mxrdxrhxuse's shop. I've been working on it for a few months now and it has been very stressful for me. I had a lot of stress about it because I felt that I had promised this build to a lot of people, and I wanted to deliver that promise. It is not as extravagant as I wanted it to be, but I am still proud of it. I know I can expand on it for next Christmas and make it even better!I rebuilt the Christmas mansion originally built by Gemini Tay. Here's the article about her build with the video of it.
I really liked her Christmas build and builds in general and wanted to have one of hers on my base. I changed some aspects of the build but overall it is her build that I redid and I wanted to remember to acknowledge that.
I was going to decorate the inside, but considering how huge both of the builds were, I decided it will be an exterior-only build (I am very sad and sorry about)
Instead, to make it up to everyone, I am doing a full restock at Bearmart and doing another 30% off sale on everything and 50% off on beacons, spawners, etc.
There will be a warp to the Christmas build (/wwarp Abram_) so that everyone can see it and, hopefully, take photos there.
Thank you to everyone that helped me with decorating and providing supplies and dealing with me being stressed and irritable. I hope everyone also has a great holiday and spends time with family and friends! If you visit the build, please take photos if you can! Id love to see how it looks with other texture packs/shaders.
Specific People, I need to thank:
@mxrdxrhxuse @mrcoolness12 @onle_master @kaosblastcatv2 @grae @MrkGamer1 @cosmic999
and many other people who helped me place snow.... a lot of snow.