can the elitra be added

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Jun 24, 2016
Netherlands. Rotterdam
hey. i whas in skyblock and i whas borred so i thought hey why is the elytra not in skyblock
it would me fun! as it is in skyblock maybe in the VIP shop for 100k or something but it is fun to fly with an elytra and to make an elytra launcher.
Thx for reading
-Im Active On Sglacier/survival
-skype: BlueCraftMC
Idiot, the server would have to be updated to 1.10 and normally the server would be restarted,
Even though Skyblocks is more for Building then pvp, people dislike pvp for 1.10.
-I'm Active on Svulcan
-skype: AntiNightmare(lachlan)
[doublepost=1474446303,1474446120][/doublepost]Put this in Server Suggestions if you think it should be added.
As people wanna pvp then go play kitpvp. Skyblock is for building and whats wrong with the elytra its a fun thing.
And im not an idiot.

Thx im going to post an tread in the server suggestions to :d
I have a solution to keep all you nubs from bickering. Update to 1.10, do NOT restart, disable combat cooldowns. Problem solved.
I totally agree with him. Cause 1.10 pvp is ****.
Not the pvp
I swear. You people only care about the PvP.

Like I said, you can DISABLE combat cooldowns. You people need to remember this so you can stop arguing about it.
Idiot, the server would have to be updated to 1.10 and normally the server would be restarted,
Even though Skyblocks is more for Building then pvp, people dislike pvp for 1.10.
-I'm Active on Svulcan
-skype: AntiNightmare(lachlan)
[doublepost=1474446303,1474446120][/doublepost]Put this in Server Suggestions if you think it should be added.
First of all, don't be so rude. This player is simply making a suggestion.
Second, the "Elytra" is a addition in 1.9 not 1.10.
You actually DO have to repair it, using XP, and it's going to take longer than using the mcmmo anvil. :p

You'll propably get enough exp for automatic repairing from all the ores you mine, I get like 10 vanilla levels exp each 3 minutes (starting from level 0). So (with maybe some unbreaking token enchants) you'll never have to repair it.
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