Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, ps3 battle

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Hello foxies!
Today i got promoted from recruiter to captain in my current CoD bo2 clan. My current clan is called SCP. Which means i have to practice a bit more. This clan is a trickshot party who only use snipers. I want to set up a match for anyone who want to join in.

The requirements:
- You have to add me on skype, my name is zombiekiller4life
- put in below the comments: I want to join, my mc username is: ....
- put below the comments your PSN (ps3)
- you have to have black ops 2 (DLC maps won't be neccesary since we will 1v1 with BALISTA on Nuketown.

Anyone who beat me, earns an Foxcraft reward! Please share this or join it yourself.


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