Bye, Friends

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Yo yo yo! This is Flout Nite SigniN OuT!

Well, it's been a year now since buddy ol pal, Connor changed le Foxcraft forever. Those were cool times. The new forums were set up March 7th of 2016. Since I've lost interest in Foxcraft due to many reasons, bad updates, toxic/immature players and whatever else. I met a lot of cool people. You're all pretty rad and it was cool to get to know some of you. But yeah I decided it would be a good time to make a leaving thread. What better place to write it than in the introductions section?

So, yeah if you want to communicate with me my Skype is falloutknight444

Anyways I'm gonna try to mention everyone I've befriended in some way or just gotten to know thanks to Foxcraft.

@RedTheFox999 Reddo, my dude. you were always a pretty positive, kind person and always tried to be useful whenever our faction needed something. Congrats on helper man! Good luck!

@GnarShredder017 AKA LittleAvocado. My son! I remember when you started playing on cove when it first released. Eventually i quit and came back to see you with over 150million or something. You were always pretty chill adjust a cool person. Good luck my dude!

@1735 Kenny, you were always an chill, kind person and real speedy with the word unscrambles. You are obviously really smart and an all around cool person. Enjoy yourself in the future and farewell!

@cloud_divider Really cool factions member! Always kind to everyone. Stay chill!

@Consoleee I'm pretty sure you're Puce, lol. But anyways you were always a cool teammate, really good skywars player and fun friend and a good son!

@Blingtendo lol

@DaddyMatrix Big kitpvp player, you were always on the leaderboards and a good teammate! Have fun and enjoy yourself in the future!

@DevoidAngel I didn't get to know you that well but you seem cool. Good luck!

@Faast You were always a really cool friend and a trusty teammate! You're a good person and a hope you have good times in the future!

@Fanciness Didn't get to know you too well but you seemed really fun and chill. I know you probably won't see this but Good luck!

@FayzelFA You have been a long time team member that I could always count on! You were always fun to chill with and play kitpvp with. Good luck my friend!

@Ereqt You were a cool dude. Good luck to you!

@goodygrace You were always a chill friend. pretty rad and fun to play creative n shet with. Gl Hf!!1!1

@Hamster cool friend positive person we didn't get to know each other too well but good luck!

@Jaywiz ツ My fellow Mudkip appreciator! Positive person, fun dude, and a good server moderator! Stay cool, my dude!

@Lgndary3 we didn't talk much but you seemed pretty cool! Good luck!

@MagiMarble Cool teammate chill person and kind. you were rad! Good luck!

@Monique_momo101 cool team member and nice person you were. Good luck to you!

@MoonFlower lol squaaaa

@ninjastar27 kitpvp teammate for a long time. I remember when you wouldn't team with me back in the days. Congrats on helper and good luck to you!

@Nnoah lol those calls were gold memes

@Okzide You were always a good friend and a cool dude. Good luck!

@Pherii You were a really cool team member and a fun person to play kitpvp with. You were kind and positive and had a good attitude. Stay cool my friend!

@Prankd_doggo lol

@RavenDaStar you were chill, we haven't spoken in a while but good luck!

@Redex_ You were a cool staff member and a fun dude, good luck!

@Reflective_ My son! You were pretty cool and keep on being rad!

@Remierik You were a pretty awesome dude! Fun times as teammates on kitpvp and factions a while back. Good luck, my friend!

@Silvic Chill, kind and a good person. You keep on being cool!

@SirAvigaltar We didn't get to know each other too well but you seemed cool!

@SkyeKit ecks dee you were rad and had a cool attitude about everything. pCe

@Snaz_ You were always super chill and kind to everyone. Very likable person and a really good teammate. Good luck to you my friend!

@SuhnKissed yo yo yo! You were pretty cool and we had some goofy times on Creative. GooD luck, my friend!

@TH3R3ALNYCOD3 You were always chill and cool, and a rad person. Gl

@TheCooldude087 lol

@Tqzz Good friend, kind person, and fun to chill with. Good luck!

@TvGozer Factions buddy! Good luck!

@Willturner5.2 Good friend and cool teammate. Good luck!

@xExecutorx You're really cool and chill. Good luck!

@_xXKimJongUnXx_ really awesome teammate! Chill and fun to play kitpvp with, good luck!

@11kobeer Fun dude and cool staff member, good luck!.

@Avatarking_ Really cool factions player. Good luck to you!

@BelleLivesForeves❤️ Really close friend and all around kind person. Good luck to you my friend!

@connor12568 rad af ily man

@Mechz Cool person always been kind! Good luck to you!

@cloakfox Sup buddy ;> Good luck with your server, thanks for everything!

@Hyllus Probably my closest friend I've ever made and one of the coolest dudes I know. also if you're reading this let me know XD

@Dansors Awesome dude Good luck to you!

@Snoop chill dude always been really cool. Good luck my friend!

@Yoahi Really cool dude, nice person, good luck to you my friend!

@MD2013 I remember kitpvp with you back in the day. Good luck dude!

@planecool good times on factions I do remember good luck and congrats on helper!

@ExInfinity I remember becoming good allies when cove came out good luck my dude!

@Deficent ily fam

@xMacu ecks deee

@mooncrater you a really cool person good luck my friend!

@The__Tardis So many memes my friend.

@IceeyBacon thank you for rick rolling me. I will forever remember you.

@NowandaZ we never got to know each other but you seemed cool. I know that you quit but good luck!

@PROIFY good times we had. You were always a good factions friend and a cool dude. Good luck to you my friend!

@ProbationZ We never talk much but you seemed like a cool person. Good luck dude!

@Producing best dude sexy beast

@Vlastyz Good luck my friend! Fun times on glacier indeed!

and many more to be continued

Also some people I missed the first round

@SKyStrifeMC We had good times on factions, my friend. Good luck!

@TGMDom Fun dude to chill with cya my dude!

@DontPaanic Really cool friend, nice person, Good luck buddy ol pal.

@Arktic_7 Cool times on factions we had, good luck!

@_ChaseInfinity_ my OG if you ever read this hmu on Skype

@Sycrome OG factions buddy really cool friend, hmu on Skype!

@jnocero Bye daughter! Cya pal good giggles on glacier we had. Good luck!

@AlainM I never knew you well but you always seemed like a chill dude. Good luck!

@Baest Rad staff member cool dude good luck!

@Jennnnnn The giggles were great, good luck my friend!

@MissHussy_xo Cya pAl! ecks dee

@KhaaseKhaase ah ah ah

@Taken Lolol

@GhostlyAnarchy Cool dude interesting person, I enjoyed playing glacier with ya back then good luck!

@Slooww Fun times on factions. We led the most powerful faction on Foxcraft and it was fun asl, Good luck my friend!

@TerrorQueen_ Fun friend to chill with, We had cool times! Good luck pal!

@Nook Cool dude, good luck buddy!

@HoboTheCow Fun friend to chill with and share a juicy steak with, One of the first people I met when I rejoined Fox. Cool guy you are! Good luck!

@onenation lol good luck buddy ol pal

@DooD_AB Cool dude, awesome imagination and crazy builds! I enjoyed chilling with you on Creative once in a while. Good luck pal!

@Renegades Good luck my friend, you were certainly fun to hang out with on creative and just a fun person!

@Natiive Fun dude, good luck pal!

@jayxkrazies You're a really cool person and it was always fun to see you on the server. Good luck to you!

@HighOnPickles fun times on sky block, good luck!


@Everyone Stay fresh my lovelies
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Goodbye, you were someone I really looked up to. We may of had our ups and downs, but It was whatever, lol... You'll be missed, Vahan.
Let it be known
Fallout is the funniest, weirdest person I know. It was so fun being friends with you for the past 5 years. It's just too bad that our friendship was only possible through the internet. Cya, dude, I hope we somehow can spend time together again.
Never forget this guy, Foxcraft, he's pretty amazing.
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