Bug / Stuff gone? Duel?

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New Member
Jul 27, 2016
Hey Im _LegitHacks, I was asked to duel. And i had my diamond armour on before the duel. Afther the duel i lost my stuff. It was pretty op too. the boots was depth 3 unb 3 prot 4 the chestplate were prot 3 thorns 2 unb 3 the leggs was prot 3 and unb 3 the helmet were fireprot 4 unb 3 and aqua thiny

If someone could help me with this i would be happy. If you think i lie about this why should i even make the thread? I hope i can get it back and all the armour were diamond.

Do you have any proof that you lost your gear due to the server? That would really help out the Staff. If not, they will most likely not be able to help you.
I didt know that i was going to lose it i just made the armour then someone asked to duel i won the duel and I lost it, And no i got no proof of it..
Then sorry, It's not looking good for you. I do believe you are telling the truth, but if the Staff started giving armor back to everyone that they think is telling the truth, then whenever someone wants something, they would just make a thread here saying they had it and make some sort of story.
I grinded so long to get it tho but, They have to fix the duel thingy. Cause rly u lose ur armour.. they can test it self if they want to I had lots of stuff in my inv but all i lost were my armour
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