Better pvp mod

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Using mini-maps and health indicators (for players only I believe) aren't allowed. You will be banned if you're caught using it.
Health indicators are allowed on kitpvp only. If it doesn't give you an advantage then it should be allowed.
I mean, all PvP mods give you some sort of advantage, because that's why people install em. With armor HUDs you can see when you have to replace armor. Some players don't have this, so they don't know when to replace armor without checking their inventory.
I mean, all PvP mods give you some sort of advantage, because that's why people install em. With armor HUDs you can see when you have to replace armor. Some players don't have this, so they don't know when to replace armor without checking their inventory.
Okay let me re-phrase it. Any type of physical advantage. Things that make you click faster, aim for you. Anything that is an indicator is usually allowed (except certain ones like health)
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