Better late then never (introduction)

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Aug 2, 2017
Hello everyone,

My name is Brownspit (Marc) and I've been on this server since summer last year (ish) but never actually introduced myself on here. I was very active back then with a group of real life friends, including my little brothers, but as soon as some stopped playing the entire group pretty much fell apart. A couple weeks ago I returned to the server (I play survival mainly), this time without the group of friends which meant making new friends on the server itself!

Something about myself: I'm probably quite old compared to a lot of people on this server, I'm from the Netherlands and recently achieved my Bachelor just to give a slight indication of my age. The freedom the game (and this server) provides are what makes this place special to me and I somehow always seem to get drawn back to the game while other games burn me out in a couple hours. I hope I can use my humor, and life experience to good use in the community!

So perhaps a bit longer than the average introduction! If you have any questions or anything, hit me up on the Survival server!
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Reactions: Haileyrion
Good to see someone from your age still enjoys playing Minecraft!

Hope you have an amazing time on the forums and on the server!

If you have any questions feel free to message me :)
Hello everyone,

My name is Brownspit (Marc) and I've been on this server since summer last year (ish) but never actually introduced myself on here. I was very active back then with a group of real life friends, including my little brothers, but as soon as some stopped playing the entire group pretty much fell apart. A couple weeks ago I returned to the server (I play survival mainly), this time without the group of friends which meant making new friends on the server itself!

Something about myself: I'm probably quite old compared to a lot of people on this server, I'm from the Netherlands and recently achieved my Bachelor just to give a slight indication of my age. The freedom the game (and this server) provides are what makes this place special to me and I somehow always seem to get drawn back to the game while other games burn me out in a couple hours. I hope I can use my humor, and life experience to good use in the community!

So perhaps a bit longer than the average introduction! If you have any questions or anything, hit me up on the Survival server!
Welcome back Marc! Love you humor :)
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